What Would Happen If There Were No People On The Planet

What Would Happen If There Were No People On The Planet
What Would Happen If There Were No People On The Planet

Scientists are trying to predict events that will occur on planet Earth, when people will disappear as a result of disasters or epidemics. They are interested in what will happen to all buildings, monuments, bridges, enterprises that will remain after human civilization.

What would happen if there were no people on the planet
What would happen if there were no people on the planet

If suddenly all people disappear from the face of the Earth in an instant, the world in a few days will not be illuminated at night, because fuel will not be supplied to power plants. All metro tunnels will be flooded with water, and a system of underground rivers will emerge.

Many animals and birds will die, which were kept in cages and aviaries of zoos and private estates. Cats and dogs that break free will hunt for food. Animals spoiled by their owners will quickly take on the shape and skills of predators, otherwise they will be eaten by their more "wild" brethren.

Grass, shrubs and vines will spread rapidly in cities. Gradually, they will destroy the asphalt and buildings of people who have gone into oblivion. Most of the buildings will fall apart in 40-50 years without maintenance. Hurricane winds, storms, blizzards and other adverse weather events will only accelerate this process.

An excellent illustration of all of the above is the city of Pripyat, abandoned after the Chernobyl disaster. In 20 years, the roofs of buildings have collapsed and concrete structures have fallen and crumbled.

In a few thousand years, all man-made structures on the planet will disappear. Scientists predict that all nuclear power plants that are currently operating will explode. And judging by the Chernobyl disaster, the consequences for nature will not be as destructive as it seems to many. The area is currently home to many wolves, bears, wild boars and other animals.

In 50 years after the disappearance of man, forests will occupy about 80% of the Earth's territory. Carbon dioxide will affect the atmosphere for another 1000 years, but the air will become noticeably cleaner in 2-3 weeks. Traces of human presence will disappear after 100,000 years.

Even plastic will not resist the effects of weather and sunlight. Forest fires will destroy many human structures, clearing the planet for new life.