Pros And Cons Of Anti-smoking Law

Pros And Cons Of Anti-smoking Law
Pros And Cons Of Anti-smoking Law

The anti-tobacco law has received a lot of publicity, because its entry into force entails a ban on smoking in public places and completely changes the way smokers habits.

Smoking is harmful to human health
Smoking is harmful to human health

Anti-tobacco law

The anti-tobacco law will come into full force in June 2014; in the summer of 2013, only some bans began to operate that do not allow smoking in public places: schools, hospitals, government agencies, public transport. Such restrictions have their positive and negative sides.

Advantages of the law

After the law comes into force, non-smokers can breathe a sigh of relief, because they will no longer act as passive smokers and poison their body against their will. It will be possible to visit restaurants, clubs, bars, without fear that it smells bad and all clothes will be saturated with the smell of tobacco. Plenty of space has appeared for parents with children, you don't have to worry about your child's health, he won't have to breathe smoke in a public place, in a park, at a stadium, or an entertainment center.

This practice has taken root well in other countries, and Russia is following its example. So in Bremen and Ukraine, the anti-tobacco law has taken root, the number of accidents on the road has decreased, the percentage of diseases arising from tobacco smoking has decreased, heart attacks are less common among heavy smokers. The law is aimed at the good of the whole people, for the good of the environment. Now you can breathe in the clean, smoke-free air (unless, of course, we are talking about industrial cities).

According to experts, labor productivity should increase, since there will be no constant smoke breaks.

Negative sides of the bill

Now it is worth considering the cons of the anti-smoking law. It is difficult to force a Russian person to do something at the behest. As you know, quitting smoking is very difficult. You just need tremendous willpower to overcome this addiction. Smokers with great experience reacted to the law with the words: “We smoked and we will smoke. The law is not a hindrance. Therefore, the implementation of this bill is in great doubt.

The law should not be expected to work here and now.

You will need to run powerful anti-tobacco advertising, which requires a lot of investment. It will take time for people to realize what harm they do to themselves, others and nature. Owners of clubs and restaurants are already calculating their losses after the entry into force of this law. Smokers now visit public places less, because they cannot simply sit in a company and not smoke at the same time. In many institutions it is not possible to equip a place for smokers at all, so this law is a headache for management.
