How To Get A Foreigner To Work

How To Get A Foreigner To Work
How To Get A Foreigner To Work

Table of contents:


When hiring a foreigner, the employer is faced with the need to formalize labor relations with a citizen of another country. There are many nuances in such a situation, and this is what will be discussed now.

How to get a foreigner to work
How to get a foreigner to work


Step 1

First of all, both the employer and the foreigner need to have a document allowing the former to hire foreign labor, and the latter to work in a foreign state. If there is no such permission, then both parties to the employment contract will face penalties. However, this takes into account the status of a foreign citizen.

Step 2

A foreign citizen by status can be:

- temporarily staying: there is neither a residence permit nor a temporary residence permit in Russia;

- temporarily residing: there is an official residence permit in our country;

- permanent residents: there is a residence permit giving the right to permanent residence in Russia.

Step 3

Accordingly, if a foreigner with permanent resident status is hired, then no special permit is required. In this case, Russian employment laws apply to the foreign citizen.

Step 4

If a foreigner with the status of a temporary resident is hired by the organization, then the organization itself does not need to take any additional actions. But a foreign citizen must obtain a work permit.

Step 5

If a foreigner gets a job with the status of a temporary resident, then both the organization and the foreigner must obtain a work permit. If a citizen arrives from a visa country, he must contact the Federal Migration Service of Russia and receive a migration card, which contains information about the citizen and the period of stay. This card entitles you to temporary residence.

Step 6

A foreigner must provide the following documents: a conclusion on the advisability of using foreign labor; permission to attract a foreign citizen (issued by the Federal Migration Service in a limited number, within the established quota); a health certificate, in some cases a language certificate.
