How And When To Consecrate Eggs And Cakes Correctly

How And When To Consecrate Eggs And Cakes Correctly
How And When To Consecrate Eggs And Cakes Correctly

Sprinkling food with holy water with the reading of Easter prayers for the meal on Easter is a pious tradition. People come to the Church with what they have and give thanks to God for everything they have.

How and when to consecrate eggs and cakes correctly
How and when to consecrate eggs and cakes correctly

at four o'clock in the morning, after the end of the Easter service, which lasts all night. The parishioners take home the food they have brought with them, and breakfast begins with them. But Great Saturday is also a holiday. Therefore, you can consecrate food on the eve of Easter Sunday. The ceremony is usually held at the evening service. The tradition of blessing food in advance originated in Soviet times, when there were not enough churches, and all parishioners could not fit into the Easter service in the church.

Easter cakes, cottage cheese Easter and colored eggs. Do not try to bring with you everything that will be on your festive table. This is a symbolic act that marks the end of Lent. And they begin to break the fast with eggs, Easter and Easter cake. Therefore, they are carried to the church in the first place.

and all baked goods that were cooked the day before. One or two Easter cakes will be enough. One of them is eaten by the whole family at the morning meal, and the second is left for another week. Previously, Easter cakes were kept until Easter next year. Today they don't do that anymore.

It is customary to exchange them, give them to friends and colleagues.

- meat, wine, various pastries, sweets, fruits. But it is worth asking in advance how this is treated in your church. All church services follow the established canons, therefore, if deviations are allowed, then very minor ones.
