The ruling party has the majority of votes in the legislature. Since 2011, the majority of seats in Parliament have been held by United Russia. However, the party does not have a constitutional majority (2/3 votes).

The ruling parties of modern Russia
The last elections to the State Duma were held in 2011. According to their results, the following parties entered the Legislative Assembly - United Russia (238 seats), the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (92 seats), A Just Russia (64 seats) and the Liberal Democratic Party (56 seats). The rest of the parties failed to collect the required minimum of votes to get into the Duma. Most of the seats remain with the United Russia faction - 52, 88% of all deputies.
The largest number of votes in the State Duma of the 5th convocation also belonged to United Russia. Moreover, 315 party deputies accounted for 70% of the total composition of the Duma, which allowed United Russia to have a constitutional majority. 57 deputies (or 12, 5%) had the Communist Party faction, 40 deputies (8, 9%) belonged to the Liberal Democratic Party and 38 deputies (8, 4%) represented Fair Russia.
The State Duma of the IV convocation had a slightly different composition. However, the majority of seats also remained for United Russia - 304 (67.5%). 47 seats (10, 44%) were held by the Communist Party faction, 33 deputies (7, 33%) represented the faction of the People's Patriotic Union "Fair Russia - Motherland". 30 deputies (6, 67%) represented the Liberal Democratic Party and 22 deputies belonged to the Patriots of Russia party. Also in the Duma of the IV convocation there were 23 deputies who did not refer to themselves as any faction.
In the State Duma of the III convocation, the Communist Party had the largest number of seats - 113 deputies (25, 11%). The parties in the future united in the "United Russia" - "Unity" and "Fatherland All Russia" were represented by 73 and 66 deputies, respectively. Representatives of the Union of Right Forces (29 people), the Liberal Democratic Party (17 people) and Yabloko (20 people) also met in the Duma of the third convocation.
There were 9 factions in the State Duma of the II convocation. The CPRF has the largest representation - 139 (or 31, 38%).
The State Duma of the Russian Federation of the 1st convocation consisted of 13 factions and 130 independent deputies. The Liberal Democratic Party held the largest number of seats - 64 mandates (22, 92%).
The only truly ruling party in the State Duma of the Russian Federation is United Russia. All other leading parties did not have a simple majority (more than 50% of the seats).
Ruling parties in the history of Russia
During the Soviet Union, the ruling and only party was the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Over the years, the party was called RSDLP (b), RCP (b), VKP (b). However, in essence, it has always remained communist.
In 1917, the Socialist Revolutionary Party won the elections to the All-Russian Constituent Assembly - 347 seats (40.4%). The second place went to the RSDLP (b), which was headed by Lenin. However, a civil war broke out and the constituent assembly did not fully work.
In the State Dumas of the Russian Empire, not a single party had more than 50% of the seats.