Why Read Less

Why Read Less
Why Read Less

The decline in widespread interest in reading is a consequence of the decline of general culture. Alas, not only the book is leaving the field of vision, and today it is possible to return interest in reading only by returning Russian culture to the proper level.

Why read less
Why read less

It is clear that the loss of interest in the book did not happen overnight. For young people at the present time, completely different questions have come to the fore. It's time to worry about the culture as a whole, to analyze the reasons for its weakness, because in the country there really are social groups of the population that are far from reading any books. If you do not return the book to the "pedestal" where it has always been, there is a danger of losing not only book culture, but also culture in the general sense of the word.

If the family does not have a tradition of spending time reading a book, it is naive to believe that children learn to read on their own. Just a few years ago, most of the students sat at the computer. According to the latest research, junior schoolchildren “hang” at the monitors today. There is nothing surprising in this, the parents are so busy that there is not enough time to accustom the child to the book.

In addition, according to statistics, only a tenth of parents regularly read books for preschoolers, not to mention older children. Of course, schoolchildren already know how to read, but this does not mean that it has become their need. Only parents by their example can develop a child's habit of reading every day. Their task is to follow the development of children, select interesting books, read aloud, discuss what they have read together.

Alas, school today is not conducive to making children love reading. These skills are poorly developed in children due to the fact that teachers have to report high reading speed. It is difficult for a child who has learned to read quickly to grasp the meaning of what he has read, as a result of which he is not able to retell the text. Some 10-year-olds can hardly tell what they have read because of this learning system.

Television also contributes to the loss of interest in reading. It is much easier for children to “jump” from channel to channel, “editing” heterogeneous video material, than to closely follow the book plot. Retelling skills are gradually lost, which leads to a loss of interest in learning. There are many reasons for the weakening of interest in reading, the task of society is to find a way out of this situation.