Oleg Nikolaevich Vereshchagin: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Oleg Nikolaevich Vereshchagin: Biography, Career And Personal Life
Oleg Nikolaevich Vereshchagin: Biography, Career And Personal Life

There are books to be read as a child. Libraries and bookstores have special sections where works for children and adolescents are presented. The famous writer Oleg Vereshchagin writes his stories and novels for young readers.

Oleg Vereshchagin
Oleg Vereshchagin

Childhood and youth

In those years, when scientists and programmers only thought about creating the Internet, curious people read books and magazines. From these sources, knowledge was drawn about the structure of the surrounding world, about distant countries and outlandish animals. Oleg Nikolaevich Vereshchagin was born on September 10, 1973 in a family of provincial intellectuals. Parents lived in the small town of Kirsanov, which is located in the Tambov region. Mother and father are hereditary teachers. Oleg's grandfather and grandmother also worked in rural schools. As a child, he loved to visit them.

The future writer grew up and was brought up in a healthy environment. On the street he was not listed as a hooligan, but he did not give himself offense. I learned to read early and devoted most of my free time to books. I independently enrolled in the children's library and regularly visited the reading room. At school, Vereshchagin studied well. Like many boys, he dreamed of becoming a military man, but as he grew up, he changed his plans. In 1990 he graduated from high school and decided to get higher education at the history faculty of Voronezh University. A year later, he interrupted his studies and went to serve in the armed forces of the Russian Federation.


Creative activity

Returning to civilian life, Oleg Nikolayevich went to work as a history teacher at school. He taught and studied at the history department of the Tambov University. At the same time he was engaged in local history and published his materials in the regional newspaper. He managed to find and talk with people who witnessed the notorious Antonov uprising in the Tambov region. Since the processes taking place in the political sphere did not always correspond to the ideas of the history teacher, Vereshchagin began to write larger articles in which he shared his views.

After some time, the career of a district journalist ended with a scandal and the refusal of the editorial office to publish Vereshchagin's materials. By this time, Oleg had already written several large-scale works that were being prepared for publication in the capital's publishing houses. The first books were published in the Lenizdat of St. Petersburg. In the genre of battle fiction written "Will of the Fallen", "Red Heather", "Never to return". Oleg Vereshchagin's novels have found their readers. After a short period of time, the Moscow publishing house "Eksmo" agreed to work with the writer.

Prospects and personal life

Currently, Oleg Vereshchagin's books are known to readers throughout the former Soviet Union. He continues to create works aimed at young readers. Adventure and fantasy novels reflect the problems of our time, which are observed by socially active citizens.

The writer willingly talks about his personal life. In his biography, he necessarily notes that he is engaged in hiking and regularly hikes in the vicinity of his native places. Likes to listen to bardic songs. Oleg still does not have a wife in the house. Apparently, the concerns of the head of the family do not attract him.
