How To Become A Good Politician

How To Become A Good Politician
How To Become A Good Politician

The desire to become a politician can be due to a variety of reasons. For example, the desire to change the world for the better, or to improve their material status, or to achieve public recognition. But it is one thing to become an ordinary politician, an ordinary cog in a bureaucratic machine, and quite another to become an outstanding leader, enjoying the support of citizens and contribute to historical development.

How to Become a Good Politician
How to Become a Good Politician

The very notion of a good politician is quite subjective. Everyone puts their own meaning in this definition. But in its most general form, it is a leader who meets the requirements and expectations of the population and expresses their needs.

In order to become a good politician, you must have a number of qualities that the population attributes to an ideal leader. This image is constantly evolving in the eyes of Russians. Meanwhile, it is possible to identify a number of common features that citizens characterize the ideal leader.

Power for a politician should not be an end in itself

A politician must be able to prove to the population that power itself is not an end in itself for him. This requirement is embedded in Russian political culture. Thus, the analysis of Russian folklore and fairy tales, which was carried out by Russian political scientists, demonstrates that the positive heroes of the authorities do not harass, and the negative ones are obsessed with a mania for domination. In them, the sacred function of the leader is to protect against the negative effects of unearthly forces, which should ensure stability and social well-being. Such demands are still present in the political consciousness of Russians, and on the basis of their compliance with them, real politicians are assessed. According to the modern views of Russians, the leader of the state should first of all care about the interests of the country and his people, and only then about his own.

High moral qualities

The ideal leader should have high moral principles and be guided by them when making political decisions. The moral and ethical component is always present in the political demand of Russians. They are extremely intolerant of dishonesty and selfishness of the leader.

According to public opinion polls in 2000, Russians would like to see a leader primarily as fair, honest, humane, caring for the people, etc. Now these characteristics also occupy an important place, however, give way to the parameter of strength and personal activity.

Political will and strength

The demand for a strong politician is traditional for the Russian consciousness. Personal strength enhances the attractiveness of a politician. This parameter is characterized through such components as health, age, intellectual resources, psychological stability, the ability to protect the interests of the country and much more. The holder of power is required to guarantee stability.

Today, Russians primarily attribute such characteristics as firmness and toughness to an ideal politician. He had to be capable, not indifferent to his citizens, independent. He is expected to be able to clearly formulate the goals of the country's development and possessing strategic thinking.

Russians are not ready to put up with an indecisive and passive leader. And the difficult foreign policy situation only strengthens the prevailing mass opinion that the country needs a strong and decisive leader who pursues an independent policy and is ready to take responsibility for its decisions and actions.

Appearance and charisma

Inner charisma is one of the foundations of leadership formation. But according to the studies conducted in the field of the image of the ideal president, Russians are quite tolerant of the external shortcomings of a politician. They are ready to put up with an unpleasant appearance and lack of charm.

Personal characteristics of a leader

The rest of the qualities that a political leader should have are related to his personal skills. He must be an effective leader, wise, able to assemble a team.
