What Is The Role Of Russia In World Politics

What Is The Role Of Russia In World Politics
What Is The Role Of Russia In World Politics

Until recently, there were two superpowers in the world: the USA and the USSR, which headed large military-political blocs. The role of the USSR in the world political arena was very significant. However, in December 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed for a variety of reasons. His successor Russia went through difficult trials, and her influence has noticeably dropped. Many have already rushed to write it off. Later, however, the role of Russia gradually began to grow, and now it is again an influential "player" in the international arena.

What is the role of Russia in world politics
What is the role of Russia in world politics

What is Russia's influence in world politics based on?

For centuries, the best minds of mankind have dreamed of a just and harmonious world, where there will be no wars and enmity, where everyone respects each other, strictly observing mutual interests. Alas, the reality is still such that strong and influential states are considered first of all. Although Russia has not yet reached the previous level of the USSR in terms of its power and influence, it has the 2nd largest (after the USA) arsenal of thermonuclear weapons and their delivery vehicles, large gold and foreign exchange reserves, huge deposits of various minerals - oil and gas, a quarter of all the world's timber and fresh water resources. This alone makes it a very influential force in world politics.

What acute political issues cannot be resolved without the participation of Russia

There are many problems in the world today that cannot be solved without the direct participation of the Russian state. For example, a crisis is raging in Ukraine, which began both because of the mistakes of the previous leadership of this country and as a result of the West's attempts to withdraw Ukraine from the zone of Russia's geopolitical influence. Unfortunately, the matter actually came to a civil war with significant human casualties, and every day the situation is becoming more and more tense. Russia is vitally interested in the successful completion of this crisis (if only because Ukraine borders on it), and without its active participation it will hardly be possible to resolve it. At present, Russia is hosting a flow of refugees from Ukraine, helping them settle in the country.

The struggle for energy resources, their unhindered supply to consumers, is gaining more and more importance on a global scale. Here the role of Russia as one of the main suppliers of fuel (oil and gas) to various regions of the world, thanks to which the European economy can work, cannot be overestimated. But it is the economy that largely determines the policy of the state.

Russia is one of the "key" players in the troubled Middle East region, where the Arab-Israeli confrontation continues and the civil war in Syria continues to take its toll. Thanks to the balanced but firm position of Russia, it was possible to avoid foreign intervention in Syria, which would inevitably aggravate the situation even more, making it unmanageable.
