How Was The Competition "10 Symbols Of Russia"

How Was The Competition "10 Symbols Of Russia"
How Was The Competition "10 Symbols Of Russia"

The competition held last 2013 was called "Russia 10". Its main task was to tell the beauty and unique places of the big country and stir up the interest of tourists in different regions of Russia. It was the competition that was planned to tell the whole world about unique natural places, historical sites and cultural monuments. Therefore, it was decided to choose ten places that would become symbols of Russia and could popularize little-known cultural heritage.

How was the competition "10 symbols of Russia"
How was the competition "10 symbols of Russia"

They tried to make the choice of 10 symbols of Russia as objective as possible, and therefore they proposed it in the form of a popular vote. So anyone could vote for the pre-selected over 700 objects from each region. Even a special site was created where one could learn about the rules and get acquainted with all the places-contestants.

Cold War between regions

At the same time, due to mistakes in the promotional campaign, the majority of Russians simply did not hear about this competition, and as a result, could not vote, which suggests that in this competition, probably those places won, which occupy not the first, but the second. or third most important. So, there are journalists who argued that at a time when most of the country's population did not know about the competition, local regional authorities promoted their attractions to the leaders. Therefore, it is not surprising that the mosque was in the lead. Akhmat Kadyrov's "Heart of Chechnya", which snatched victory from the Kolomna Kremlin. Although the organizers themselves were surprised, these two objects were already included in the top 10 symbols of Russia.

And in many ways, this competition brought undesirable: hatred and interregional enmity, since users who spread calls to vote on social networks often literally threw mud at the architectural monuments and the population of the rival region.

Unfortunately, weaknesses in the organization caused quite the opposite effect than what was expected from the competition.

Basic rules, or what are the conditions for holding the contest "10 symbols of Russia"

But it is also worth talking about the basic rules for conducting this all-large selection. Thus, the competition was held in three stages. At the first stage, 80 objects were selected, from which, at the second stage, the top ten were selected by general voting, then the final. At the same time, anyone could register on the site and vote three times a day from one IP address. So, here it is difficult to talk about the subjectivity of the selection of the best cultural monuments. The results of SMS voting were also taken into account.

Although the organizers of the competition noted that the top ten winners will not be ranked, and the first or last places will not be allocated either. And yet the winners were selected, on the site where the competition was held, they are randomly placed.

Winners: Kolomna Kremlin, Heart of Chechnya Mosque, Legend Park, Tyatya, Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Temple of the Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni, Astrakhan Kremlin, Baikal, Kul Sharif Mosque, Dalmatovsky Assumption Monastery.

Informational support of the competition was provided by TV channels and radio stations, on the air of which the presenters told what cultural and natural monuments are taking part, how they move up the rating ladder. In turn, in the regions that submitted their applications to the court, feast campaigns were held in support of attractions, flash mobs were arranged.
