Dance is the only art
a memorial for which we ourselves serve. (Ted Sean)

Each dance, like love at first sight, is like a whole bouquet of feelings, which is filled with its own clear memories and thoughts. The author of his work and the performer are completely different people, with different views on life, opinions and judgments, breathing their own experiences and experiences into each movement, trying to tell the whole world about it.
The art of winning is the meaning of every dancer's life. And do not forget that the meaning of the word "victory" is not limited to the pedestal. All the stereotypes that society creates blur the line of all our "imperfect" actions, allowing us to move forward, think differently and develop our own talents.
Live by formulaic opinions or trust your own experience? Do not be afraid of loud phrases that: "Dancing is not a job, not a profession, and even less the meaning of life. You cannot earn money by dancing. Dancing is not serious." Always set a goal and achieve it, reveal your natural potential, correct mistakes, rejoice in victories and give the world your natural uniqueness.
One of the important traits of a dancer is to be noticed, be sincere, be yourself and find those means of self-expression that help melt the heart of every "passer-by". The ability not to hear, but to listen to your heart, to love yourself from nature, has an invisible effect on feats that make you strive to reach the heights.
Nothing will happen tomorrow if a person has not created a bunch of problems today. The development and improvement of oneself is the idyll of a creative person with himself, defining his freedom from unnecessary and unnecessary words, because movement, music and choreography are always the expression of those thoughts, that communication, which in turn does not require any explanation.
Purpose: to express yourself as a person who you really are. With or without stereotypes, everyone makes the decision, the main thing is not to miss the moment that can change your life. Bypass obstacles, judgments and a lot of negativity that contribute to suppressing the desire to become better.
A person who first encountered dance quickly understands the value of this art in relation to himself: "Like it or not like it!" That is the question. Consequently, the need will either increase or die out. From here, there is an understanding of how quickly you are included in the dance world and there is a desire to live with every movement of your body.
The stories of hard fates devoted to art, unambiguously not accepted by society and close people, gives only a reason to think, overcome your fear and prove the opposite, to yourself. If they could, then so can you! There are never many good dancers, but each of them is a professional: "A beautiful picture on the outside, criticism and motivation are always inside."
Creativity does not have the edge of its development, as well as interest in everything that happens. Open possibilities, accessibility and permissiveness characterize the dancer and choreographer of the XXI century. Art ceases to be correct and necessary. Fashion spoils society, and the "herd feeling" distorts everything around.
How vividly is a person able to convince himself of making an "important" decision, as opposed to pressure from the outside? After deciding once, there is no turning back. Choose for yourself what is useful and what is harmful, and do not try to convince yourself otherwise. Your body is not your enemy! Learn to accept yourself as a single copy.
The choice of a profession is not laid down from childhood, but is formed throughout life. The main reason we do what is relevant here and now. Self-expression, experience, communication and self-development are only secondary blocks that allow you to understand the true purpose of changing hobbies.
The understanding of dance does not come immediately. Freedom means being a dancing person, filling life with creativity and giving yourself invaluable experience. Work, character and stories give hope, while simultaneously changing the perception of the world. The art of winning and being defeated in spite of reproaches and judgments.
Each person is shaped by traditions and daily obsessive rituals. It is impossible to develop something that does not go beyond the ordinary and does not lend itself to provocations. From time immemorial, people express themselves through creativity and have no meaning for others. The main reward is yourself and your path, which attracts only glances.
Create your plan for success. Learn to make decisions and take risks. The meaning of life is not a choice, but a desire to live a new day with benefit. Have you chosen a dance? - create an industry. Doubt? - step back and keep looking for yourself.
Once, believing in luck, any obstacles will seem interesting. If it's hard for you, then you are going in the right direction. Leaving your comfort zone will be the right decision for each of us. Dance by your own rules, be the instrument of your dance and always bring everything to perfection.