The Most Famous British Celebrities

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The Most Famous British Celebrities
The Most Famous British Celebrities

Video: The Most Famous British Celebrities

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The British Isles have given the world an unprecedented number of celebrities in all, without exception, branches of human activity. Scholars, historical figures and show business legends have made Britain one of the world's richest regions in talent.

The most famous British celebrities
The most famous British celebrities

The most famous British celebrities of the past

King Arthur is chronologically the first British celebrity worldwide. This is a mythical person who gathered the glorious knights of the Round Table and infected all subsequent epics and knightly novels with the idea of finding the Holy Grail and the idea of the importance of saving beautiful ladies.

Scotsman William Wallace is known to the world as a person who represents the absolute image of a fighter for the freedom of the people. He still inspires young independence fighters of his homeland around the world.

William Shakespeare. He is a semi-legendary person who created the theater in the form that is now known. His "Hamlet", "Romeo and Juliet" and other works put the viewer in the face of the most important trials that a person must go through in life, as well as the most important questions, the answers to which he must find.

Elizabeth I turned England into a major maritime power for many centuries. This queen marked the beginning of the world domination of Britain in the colonial world.

It would be a crime to ignore Sir Isaac Newton, one of the founders of classical physics and world progress. True, he was not particularly popular with his contemporaries, but the discovery of the laws of mechanics, universal gravitation and many other breakthroughs in science provided Newton's world fame.

Contemporary British celebrities

The most famous British writers today are D. R. R. Tolkien and J. K. Rowling. Their books about the War of the Ring and Harry Potter are published in millions of copies, exciting the minds of their contemporaries with an interesting plot and an amazingly developed literary world.

The British, among other things, are also the pioneers of cinema. They gave the world an amazing constellation of wonderful film actors. The most famous are Charlie Chaplin, Audrey Hepburn, Sean Connery and Hugh Laurie. Chaplin is an amazing comedian who, by and large, opened the world to the beauty of cinema. Hepburn was the ideal of femininity of her time, Connery - of masculinity and charisma. And Hugh Laurie is known to the world as Dr. House, who showed that making diagnoses is no less interesting than unraveling crimes.

The most famous British music celebrities need no introduction. John Lennon, Paul Macartney from The Beatles, Freddie Mercury from Queen took music to unprecedented heights.

Scientists are in awe of Britons Alexander Fleming and Stephen Hawking. The first saved millions of lives by creating penicillin. The second is the most famous modern theoretical physicist, the founder of quantum cosmology.

The most famous British politicians of the 20th century are Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher and Princess Diana. Churchill was a man of titanic mind, prime minister of Britain, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature and one of the victors of Nazism. Thatcher became famous as the "Iron Lady", the first woman prime minister who brought Britain out of the crisis and restored her country to the reputation of one of the strongest states in the world. And Princess Diana, the heiress of the British crown, was a popular favorite, a fighter against poverty and AIDS. Her sudden death amazed the whole world.

For centuries, the British continue to enrich the world culture with the products of their activities. Each generation fostered by the British Isles brings a new breakthrough, a new masterpiece to the world. This allows British celebrities to maintain the lead of the most famous celebrities on the European continent.
