Marlon Brando: A Short Biography

Marlon Brando: A Short Biography
Marlon Brando: A Short Biography

According to sophisticated analysts and film critics, Marlon Brando is one of the greatest actors in the history of cinema. This assessment is fully confirmed by the current state of this art form.

Marlon Brando
Marlon Brando

Difficult childhood

At all times, children have dreamed and will dream of going out onto the football field or theatrical stage and attracting the attention of the audience. At the same time, everyone has their own path to the creative profession. Marlon Brando from an early age was distinguished by an independent character and appropriate behavior. By his own admission, he didn't really know who he wanted to become. The future cult actor was born on April 3, 1924 in an ordinary American family. Parents at that time lived in the largest city in Nebraska, which was called Omaha.

My father worked as a manager in a nutritional supplement company. Mother served as an actress in a local theater. By that time, two older sisters were already growing up in the house. It is important to note that the head of the family was distinguished by a difficult and uncompromising disposition. No, he did not punish his children physically. However, he constantly shamed the children, accused them of minor mistakes and made severe reprimands. The subject of such "reprimands" could be the boy's voice or his dirty clothes. The mother, as a rule, did not intervene in such conflicts, since she was overly addicted to alcohol.


Creative career

It is not surprising that Marlon tried to spend as much time as possible at school. This is not to say that he was considered an exemplary student. Quite the opposite. Brando dressed provocatively and could be rude to the teacher. The only place where the young man achieved peace of mind was the theater studio. When the Second World War began, Marlon was sent to a military school. The head of the family insisted on this. It was within the walls of this educational institution that the cadet Brando revealed the talent of reincarnation. He willingly took part in amateur performances and very convincingly parodied other people's voices.

By that time, Brando had independently studied and mastered the method of working on the role according to the Stanislavsky method. The audience first saw him on the screen in the film "Men", which was released in 1950. A year later, the film "A Streetcar Named Desire" appeared, in which the young actor starred together with the American film star Vivien Leigh. The film entered the list of the best films in the world. The next project was called "In the port". For the role played in it, Brando received the first Oscar statuette. The best year in his career was 1972. He starred in the crime drama The Godfather and the erotic melodrama The Last Tango in Paris.

Recognition and privacy

The personal life of the cult actor did not develop according to the script. He was married three times. Each time, the husband and wife parted without a public showdown. Marlon Brando had eleven children, including three adopted.

In the last years of his life, the actor suffered from an acute form of diabetes. Marlon Brando passed away in July 2004. The body was cremated, and the actor's ashes were scattered over Death Valley in California.
