Ronald Reagan: A Short Biography

Ronald Reagan: A Short Biography
Ronald Reagan: A Short Biography

The era of dramatic changes in the world economy is named after this man. Once in the presidency of the United States, Ronald Reagan did much to end the Cold War with the Soviet Union.

Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan

Starting conditions

In the recent history of Western civilization, there is no such person who, before taking the presidency of the country, worked as a sports commentator, a lifeguard on the beach and an actor in a movie. The figure of Ronald Reagan will remain significant and not ordinary for a long time. The path to the main public office was not easy for him. The future inhabitant of the White House was born on February 6, 1911 in an ordinary American family. Parents at that time lived in the small town of Tampico in the state of Illinois. By that time, an older brother named Neil was already growing up in the house.

My father ran a small shoe store. The mother was engaged in housekeeping and helped her husband in trade. Ronald grew up agile and inquisitive. I studied well at school. He managed not only to master the compulsory program - he was actively involved in sports and participated in social events. He really enjoyed participating in amateur performances that were staged on the school stage. Classes in the theater studio served as the basis for the further development of the young man's creative abilities.


Political career

After graduating from college of law in 1932, Reagan moved to Iowa to work as a sports commentator. Then he left for Hollywood, where the textured young man was offered an engagement for seven years. When World War II broke out, Ronald was called up to serve in a special unit for the filming of training films for the army needs. During the time spent in the service, more than four hundred training films for the Air Force were shot. After the war, Reagan was elected chairman of the Screen Actors Guild. After a few years, he developed the appropriate experience and taste for public work.

In 1964, Ronald Reagan ran for Governor of California. Exposed and won. In this position, he served two terms. He twice took part in the presidential election campaign, but unsuccessfully. And only in 1980, luck smiled at him. At the age of 69, Reagan became the oldest U. S. president to date. In internal affairs, the president pursued a policy of cutting social programs and encouraging business. As a result of the reduction of the tax burden, the economy began to recover.

Recognition and privacy

The main merit of the 40th President of the United States is the signing of an agreement between the United States and the USSR on the reduction of medium-range nuclear weapons.

Ronald Reagan's personal life turned out well. He was married twice - it happened. I had to part with the first after nine years of marriage. In 1949, Ronald met actress Nancy Davis. They fell in love and lived the rest of their lives under one roof. The husband and wife raised and raised two children - a daughter and a son. Ronald Reagan passed away in June 2004 after a serious and prolonged illness.