Who Are The Wanderers?

Who Are The Wanderers?
Who Are The Wanderers?

Itinerant artists are a symbol of Russian painting of the 19th century. Thanks to them, residents of various cities and hinterlands were able to get acquainted with the works of art of great masters.

Who are the Wanderers?
Who are the Wanderers?

Peredvizhniki is an abbreviated name for an association of Russian artists that appeared in the second half of the nineteenth century. The founders were Ivan Kramsky, Grigory Myasoedov, Nikolai Ge.

The main goal of creating a society is to organize art exhibitions in all cities. This was done so that people from the provinces also had the opportunity to get acquainted with Russian art. In 1870, a charter was created, which prescribed what affairs of the partnership the general partnership was in charge of, in what ways general issues related to the work of the organization were resolved.

A picturesque riot or how it all began

Fourteen of the best graduates of the Imperial Academy of Arts preferred freedom of creativity to the gold medal. They refused to paint a picture on the indicated topic, considering it too far from reality. The rebels asked for a free topic, which was refused. Over time, they sent a petition to issue diplomas corresponding to the medals already received.

In 1863, young painters under the leadership of Ivan Kramskoy created the first association in the history of Russian art. The main idea was realism and social orientation instead of theatricality and ideology. Artists took orders for paintings, gave drawing lessons, gathered to discuss pressing problems. The biggest problem was the financial issue and the fact of the resumption of communication by individuals with the members of the academy. Kramskoy left society for these reasons.

Seven years later, it was replaced by a partnership of traveling art exhibitions. It united Moscow and St. Petersburg painters. The Wanderers opposed their creativity to academism. The charter of the new society was approved in 1870. The first exhibition was opened a year later in St. Petersburg, in two months it visited Moscow, Kiev, Kharkov. Almost half of all the available paintings and drawings were purchased before the start of the exhibition. During the existence of the partnership, exhibitions have been held:

  • In Moscow;
  • Riga;
  • Kursk;
  • Voronezh;
  • Poltava;
  • Odessa and other cities.

Famous Wanderers

Alexey Savrasov was one of the founders. The landscape painter was trained against his father's wishes. At the heart of his work were the works of German and English painters. He was awarded various prizes, but the last years of his life the artist lived in dire need.

The names of the Itinerant artists were known far beyond the borders of our state. Ivan Shishkin is an example. The history of the Russian landscape is associated with his creations, and the works of art of this itinerant became national classics and gained popularity all over the world.

Russian artists have created a huge portrait gallery. Perhaps this was thanks to Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy. It is he who owns the world-famous portrait of Leo Tolstoy, painted in 1873. The picture clearly shows not only the external qualities of the writer, but also the features of his character.

One of the significant events in the history of Russian painting was the painting "Barge Haulers". Ilya Repin vividly showed in her the image of the common people. Prior to this artist, this topic remained inaccessible. With special love, he painted images of ordinary peasants. In the 80s of the 19th century, the artist turns to the portrait genre, depicting various famous figures of that era.

Itinerant artists include:

  • Vasily Maksimov;
  • Vasily Perov;
  • Abram Arkhipov.

The participants worked in different artistic directions, but they were united by one thing - the idea of populism. They contrasted their work with the representatives of official academism.

Wanderers today

In 2008, a non-profit association of art and culture workers “New Wanderers” was registered. The participants continue the creative traditions of the previously formed partnership. They are engaged in:

  • organization of exhibitions;
  • conducting master classes;
  • publishing catalogs, albums;
  • popularization of painting.

In 2009-2017, about 60 Russian and international exhibitions were held. Today more than 1000 artists of different directions take part in projects. The founder is the general director, honorary member of the Union of Artists of Russia Oleg Maksimenko.