The Smartest Words And Their Meaning

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The Smartest Words And Their Meaning
The Smartest Words And Their Meaning

Video: The Smartest Words And Their Meaning

Video: The Smartest Words And Their Meaning
Video: 20 Difficult English Words - Improve Your Vocabulary - Learn Advanced English ✔️ 2025, January

The concept of "smart words" is familiar to many, but not everyone understands their meaning. If a person has an idea of what many of them mean, then he can confidently identify himself as a multifaceted developed part of humanity. After all, these words are taken from the most diverse areas of collective knowledge.

The wisdom of the ages is transmitted through words
The wisdom of the ages is transmitted through words

Of course, an immediate list of "the cleverest words and their meanings" can be compiled in an unlimited number, since their diversity is not determined by the framework of any particular branch of human knowledge. In addition, the collective knowledge that determines the level of human development is not in a stable state, but is constantly evolving, which leads to the regular introduction of intricate, unusual, little-known, difficult, confusing, abstruse, unfamiliar, mysterious, incomprehensible, interesting words, phrases, combinations and expressions that can be deservedly included in the so-called "golden fund" of human knowledge.

However, according to the recognition of many famous and popular people who represent the most diverse social strata of the population in our country, it is the selection of the following “smart words” that can with high reliability be considered an indicator of a person's intellectual development today. After all, modern society makes certain requirements for each individual in terms of erudition and mental development. Currently, there are many literary, psychological, technical, medical and other tricky words with a deep, rare and unknown meaning, knowing the essence of which, you can confidently rank yourself as an intellectual part of society.

Quintessence, Onomatopeia and Singularity

In epic alchemy and natural philosophy, the concept of "quintessence" corresponded to the fifth element or ether. Like lightning, the most precise and subtle, it (the element) fills the entire Universe. In the modern interpretation of cosmology, the quintessence is a hypothetical form of dark energy with negative pressure, which evenly fills the entire space of the universe. In literature and in the communication of people, this concept is identical with the epithets: essential, important, extract, pure, subtle, etc.

The onomatopoeic word "onomatopoeia" arose from the practice of phonetic assimilation to non-verbal complexes. This is a type of vocabulary that directly relates to creatures or objects that act as sources of sound. For example, these include the verbs "croak", "meow", bark "," crow "," rattle ", etc., as well as their derived nouns.

The concept of "singularity" means a certain point in space at which the acting mathematical function has the property of irregular behavior, including tending to infinity.

Singularity means
Singularity means

A gravitational singularity is a space-time region in which the curvature of the continuum turns into infinity, breaks, or its metric has pathological properties that preclude physical interpretation.

The Technological Singularity is a technological breakthrough driven by scientific research.

Singularity of consciousness is a state of expanded consciousness, which is characterized by a global generalization of laws.

Singularity in cosmology is the state of the Universe before the "Big Bang", which is characterized by an infinite temperature and density of matter.

The concept of "singularity" in biology corresponds to the generalization of the process of evolution of organisms.

Transcendence, Catharsis and Continuum

The concept of "transcendence" ("transcendental") is translated from Latin as "to overstep". This word is directly related to philosophy, where it is identified with the inaccessibility of knowledge empirically. In the interpretation of Kant, this term was used to designate such supernatural concepts as "god", "soul", etc. The opposite of transcendental is immanent.

Modern psychoanalysis often uses the term "catharsis", which is used to refer to the state of reducing frustration, anxiety or conflict through verbalization or emotional release. This word came into modern usage from ancient Greek aesthetics. Then it was used in the context of expressing the impact on a creative person. And in the philosophy of antiquity, the term "catharsis" was used to denote a cleansing, ennobling and facilitating process of influencing a person.

The concept "continuum" denotes a set or a class of a set of real numbers.

The continuum is cognized in the continuity and constancy of all evolutionary processes
The continuum is cognized in the continuity and constancy of all evolutionary processes

This term was in great use among ancient Greek philosophers and medieval scholastics. Currently, the word "continuum" is used exclusively as a synonym for the concepts of "continuity", duration "and" continuity ".

Nigredo, Entropy and Empathy

The alchemical concept "nigredo" means the state of complete decomposition of matter or the initial level of the creation of the philosopher's stone. This state of matter, which is characterized by the homogeneity of the black mass of components, is subsequently transformed into the stages of "albedo" (a small elixir that turns base metals into silver) and "rubedo" (a great elixir).

German physicist and mathematician Clausius introduced the concept of "entropy", which in thermodynamics takes into account the degree of energy dissipation when a real prototype deviates from an ideal real process. Entropy is a function of the state of matter, defined as the total amount of heat given in a given experiment. In this context, the entropy in reversible processes is always constant, and in irreversible processes, it changes in the positive direction.

Information entropy is a measure of the uncertainty of the source of messages, determined by the probable appearance of additional characters during data transmission.

The next concept that is directly related to "smart words" is "empathy".

Knowing your soul mate through empathy
Knowing your soul mate through empathy

The ability to mentally replace an object or another person with oneself is empathy. This kind of empathy allows you to accurately determine the state of a particular person, based on his facial expressions, gestures and actions.

Behaviorism, Enduro and other "smart words"

The concept from the field of psychology "behaviorism" refers to the behavioral analysis of a person. This scientific direction establishes the relationship between motivating stimuli and reflexes of a person. It can be fully considered as an alternative to associationism and psychoanalysis.

The style of riding a certain type of motorcycle off-road or on special trails over rough terrain for long distances is referred to as enduro.

Enduro is not just a technique, but a speed of movement
Enduro is not just a technique, but a speed of movement

Unlike motocross, the race is carried out on a closed circuit in the form of a circle with a length of 15 km to 60 km. Several laps (200-300 km) are covered in one racing day. Along the route, passing, as a rule, through mountainous terrain, there are a large number of difficult descents and ascents, fords and streams. The word "enduro" also means a special motorcycle - a hybrid of urban and cross-country. This type of racing technique is characterized by increased cross-country ability and special unpretentiousness. And the racers themselves call them motorcycle jeeps.

The philosophy of existence is explained by the concept of "existentialism", introduced into circulation in the 20th century in connection with the fact that man began to be regarded as a spiritual being, able to independently determine his own destiny.

An interdisciplinary scientific direction in research - synergetics - carries out the study of natural phenomena and processes, based on the principles of self-organization of various systems, consisting in turn of subsystems.

The concept of "annihilation" refers to the scientific field of the study of elementary particles. It determines the reaction of transformation of particles and antiparticles upon collision into other initial particles, different from them.

The term "a priori" came into modern usage from antiquity. Its translation from Latin means "from the previous one." The concept describes the knowledge that is obtained regardless of experience and before it.

The smart word "metanoia" (translated from Greek means "after the mind" or "rethinking") is used today in psychology and psychotherapy as "remorse" or "regret".

"Compilation" or programming is the transformation by a special compiler program of an initial text written in a complex language into an objective module or machine language close to it in meaning and perception.

Rasterization describes the procedure for converting a vector image into a “printer” or “display” format in the form of pixels or dots.

"Intubation" (translated from Latin "pipe" or "inside") is a medical term that implies the introduction of a special tube into the larynx when it narrows and obstructs patency (laryngeal edema and, as a result, suffocation) of a special tube to restore breathing. Also, this procedure involves the introduction of this tube into the trachea for anesthesia.

The medical term "vivisection" refers to the implementation of a surgical operation on a live animal in order to study the functions of its body or extracted individual organs. This is done when new drugs are being studied, new surgical techniques are being developed, or for educational purposes.
