How The Peoples Of The Earth Came Into Being

How The Peoples Of The Earth Came Into Being
How The Peoples Of The Earth Came Into Being

The message of genetic scientists that all mankind descended from one foremother was recently confirmed once again. The study of the Xq13.3 gene made it possible to assume that the "foremother Eve", who possessed all the genes of Homo Sapiens, met with Adam about 200 thousand years ago.

How the peoples of the Earth came into being
How the peoples of the Earth came into being

Africa - the ancestral home of modern people

The most ancient representative of the Homo sapiens species lived on Earth about two million years ago. Such a recent conclusion by scientists contradicts the conclusion of other researchers that the Homo sapiens species is not more than 200 thousand years old. These experts believe that the genus Homo emerged and developed rather quickly. His ancestor was an isolated group of African hominids. These are two debating hypotheses - the polyregional one and the hypothesis of the “foremother Eve”. The adherents of both theories agree that the ancestors of humans appeared in Africa, and the migration of humans from the African continent began about a million years ago.

In accordance with the hypothesis of the "foremother Eve", the modern species of Homo Sapiens quickly adapted to the changing environment and, as a result, supplanted the other subspecies. "Eve" lived about 200 thousand years ago. The polyregional theory says that the genus Homo originated two million years ago and gradually spread throughout the planet. Evolution proceeded on its own, and groups of the human race that lived in cold lands acquired a denser build and blonde hair. Among the people who inhabited the steppes, the advantage was given to individuals with a developed upper eyelid, which protected their eyes from wind and sand. And those who lived in a hot, humid climate began to differ in a dark skin color and a "head" of curly hair, which could protect from the harmful effects of the scorching sun. Thus, races appeared on Earth - established groups of people, united by common hereditary characteristics.

Peoples of the earth

In those days, Homo lived in a few isolated communities. To obtain food and survive, such communities needed to control rather large areas, which provided natural barriers to rapid population growth. Even the transition from hunting and farming to cattle breeding also did not provide the opportunities necessary for the rapid growth of settlements. There were practically no contacts with representatives of other settlements, since the presence of a neighbor meant, first of all, the presence of a direct competitor and a threat to the survival of the community. Thus, groups of people settled in large territories developed in isolation for very long periods of time, quite sufficient for them to develop their own languages of communication, specific rules of behavior, beliefs, traditions, that is, unique cultural characteristics. Thus, peoples began to appear as communities differing in language, culture and traditions. That is, those characteristics that are not inherited.

Today, a person's belonging to a particular nation is determined not only and not so much by the geographical place of his birth or residence, but by the upbringing and cultural heritage that this person carries in himself.