How To Become The Most Popular Person On Earth

How To Become The Most Popular Person On Earth
How To Become The Most Popular Person On Earth

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin today is rightfully considered the number 1 earthling. Largely thanks to his patriotism and selfless devotion to the Motherland, our country managed to get up from its knees in full growth, leveling all the terrible consequences of the activities of its political leaders of the "nineties".

Such a familiar face is the pride of Russia
Such a familiar face is the pride of Russia

Even in the most remote corners of the planet they know that the President of Russia is the most odious person in the modern history of the planet. After all, a list of epithets like the richest, the most popular, the most influential, etc., has been referring directly to Vladimir Putin for several years. And the country is also familiar with the personal life of the domestic leader in a very detailed way.

But then the question arises: "What kind of garden bed do these tomatoes grow on ?!" or “Why is there such a“cool”President in our country, which is so backward and non-progressive ?!”. According to many political and social assessments, the Administration of the President of Russia is superior to its leading world opponents in a very serious way! It turns out that Russia is not really worthy of such a leader ?! Or maybe the Russians are not able to give a proper assessment of the situation themselves, and all the greatness comes to him precisely from foreign citizens who can dispassionately and based on the facts of life create the proper ratings ?!

However, any personality is shaped by the environment and heredity. And if the heredity of the President is the most common, and the environment surrounding him is familiar to any resident of the country, then….

So, man # 1 has been forming as a person for many years, and his life is full of many events. The following episode is very typical for a very strong and courageous person, which is the President of Russia.

Dresden in 1989 (early December), the headquarters of the KGB, senior assistant to the head of the department, Lieutenant Colonel V. V. with a Makarov pistol and one clip of cartridges, an angry crowd of Germans wanting the blood of aggressors - this is an approximate disposition of a very dramatic situation during the destruction of the Berlin Wall.

So, a man in a knowingly losing position was deciding the fate of his homeland like a real man. The action of the hero, who did not let the crowd into the poorly guarded KGB building, where there were secret documents that could later discredit our country, was not advertised anywhere. Vladimir Putin at that moment played the role of "28 Panfilovites", which the old residents of Dresden remember firsthand, while today many public people are trying to emphasize their much less significant actions, trying to create "monuments" for themselves.

Yes, my back was wet. Yes, the palms and legs were soaked with fear, not quite confidently holding the body, but the crowd was able to see in the Soviet officer the determination that today creates great glory for our country.
