Referendum As A Form Of Democracy

Referendum As A Form Of Democracy
Referendum As A Form Of Democracy

In the Russian Federation, the people are the fundamental foundation and pillar on which the entire management system is built and on which this management is directed. Therefore, the people have been given a great privilege in the form of participation in the formation of government bodies at all levels, as well as the opportunity to influence decisions on fundamental issues of the life of their region and the country as a whole through forms of direct expression of will, including a referendum.


The essence of the referendum

The Russian Federation is a state in which the people's power is the main indicator of democracy. Therefore, the direct subject of all its activities is the people, who, with the help of legislatively laid down control levers, exercise power throughout the country.

A referendum is one of the ways citizens express their will along with elections and representation. It represents a vote on the most significant aspects of state and municipal governance. Most often, issues of changing the status of a given territory or innovations in legal regulation are submitted to a referendum.

Its essence lies in the fact that citizens vote for any issue submitted to a referendum personally and secretly, i.e. on the same principle as in the elections. Moreover, such a decision is imperative, subject to the recognition of the referendum as valid. That is, a decision based on the results of voting will be made if the minimum turnout threshold has been exceeded. The main difference between a referendum and an election is voting in a referendum for the question raised, and not for a person or party. And also during a referendum there is a ban on all kinds of campaigning and promotion. This is done to identify the most objective opinion.

A referendum is both a right of citizens and a kind of obligation to the country, which has a number of restrictions. These include restrictions on the age of eligibility to vote (a voter must be at least 18 years old), citizenship and an identity document.

Types of referendums

1. Depending on the subject matter of the issue, they are distinguished: constitutional (changes in the constitution are considered), legislative (issues of legislation are considered), international legal (issues related to international relations) and administrative legal (concerning the administrative and legal status of a subject, territorial distribution).

2. Depending on the time of holding: preventive (when a bill is submitted to a referendum) and approving (when a ready-made legislative act is submitted for consideration and approval).

3. Depending on the degree of importance: mandatory (provided for by law or an international treaty and is mandatory) and optional (not provided for by law and can be initiated by citizens and authorities).

4. Depending on the level of government: all-Russian (held at the federal level), regional (at the level of the subject), local referendum (referendum of the municipality).

5. Depending on the initiator: initiated by state and municipal authorities, petition (by petition signed by citizens).