What Is Sinai Law

What Is Sinai Law
What Is Sinai Law

Every person at least once in his life has heard about the ten commandments of God. But not everyone understands that these are not just instructions of folklore, but quite clear legislation given by God to man.

What is Sinai Law
What is Sinai Law

Sinai legislation is called the body of decrees that the prophet Moses received from God on Mount Sinai. The Holy Scripture of the Old Testament mentions these commandments in two books of the Pentateuch - Exodus and Deuteronomy. The Ten Commandments are the law for humanity, they talk about what actions are prohibited to people.

The Lord commanded the Holy Prophet Moses to climb Mount Sinai. There the leader of the Jewish people spent forty days in prayers to God. After that, the Lord gave Moses two stone tablets on which the laws of man's relationship to God and other people were written. The first tablet contained four commandments, which include instructions that a person should not have other gods except the one Lord, should not create an idol for himself, should not use the name of God in vain, and remembered that the Sabbath day must be dedicated to God. These commandments form a person's relationship to the Lord. On the second tablet were written the remaining six commandments concerning communion with neighbors. So, it is said that a person should honor his parents (it is in this case that people will live on earth for a long time). It also contains instructions on the prohibition of murder, adultery, theft, lies and envy. The biblical history clearly shows that the commandments are not just a man's invention, but the ordinance of God.

This body of directives was recognized as binding on the Jewish people. In New Testament times, the Ten Commandments also remain valid. Christ did not refute any of them. Therefore, it turns out that the Sinai legislation is a general law of human behavior, given by God for all times of the world.
