What Is A Museum

What Is A Museum
What Is A Museum

Museums have a role to play in society. They represent rare, unique items and draw attention to them. The museum aims to emphasize the importance of values as heritage for maintaining the continuity of culture.

What is a museum
What is a museum

A museum is a socio-cultural institution that collects, studies and stores monuments of art, history, science, technology and other spheres of human activity. In addition, this institution is engaged in educational activities, exhibiting exhibits for the public. The museum has its origins in private collections of art, artifacts and rarities. But all these meetings always reflected the priority of the cultural interest of a particular era. For example, in ancient times, these were mostly works of art. In the Middle Ages, more attention was paid to icons, church utensils, artistic sewing, relics of saints, etc. The first museums with scientific goals appeared in Europe during the Renaissance. They began to collect minerals, astronomical instruments, ethnographic objects and much more. In Russia, the Kunstkamera became the first museum accessible to the public. Her collection is based on the collections of Peter I: weapons of different nations, paintings, engravings, machine tools, tools, etc. All museums can be divided into: research and educational, natural science, historical, literary, art history, technical, educational and research … This division is based on the profiling orientation of the institution and its belonging to a certain field of human activity. And like any other socio-cultural institution, the museum has its own functions: - documenting: reflection, with the help of expositions, various factors, events that occurred in society; - education and upbringing: acquaintance of visitors with historical moments, the formation of aesthetic taste; - organization of leisure: conducting forms of excursions that are attractive to visitors, recreation of the interiors of premises, the use of theatrical forms of work, holding concerts, balls, holidays, etc. It is the level of development and organization of the museum business that speaks about the general cultural level of the people and how the population of the country relates to its past, what he values and is proud of.