When a person dies, it is supposed to hang all the mirrors in the house. This tradition is very stable and has been holding for decades, moreover, even people who do not understand its meaning strictly adhere to it.

Hanging mirrors and superstition
There are a number of beliefs associated with death and mirrors. One of them says that if the soul of the deceased, which for some time after separation from the body still remains among loved ones, can "see" itself in the mirror and be frightened. Also, superstitious people believe that if a soul gets into a mirror, symbolizing the transition between worlds and dimensions, it can stay there forever, unable to get out.
The most terrible beliefs are directly related to living people. Previously, it was believed that if a living person sees a deceased person or his ghost in the mirror, he too will soon die. It may seem both stupid and ridiculous, but after the death of a person, people strictly observe traditions and listen to superstitions, not wanting to take risks and joke with death. In addition, observance of the rituals gives the loved ones of the deceased the opportunity to temporarily escape from what happened, by willpower to switch from sorrowful thoughts to troubles, and this helps to more easily survive the terrible loss, at least in the first days.
Objective reasons for hanging mirrors in the house of the deceased
Walking past the mirror, a person automatically looks at his own reflection. It is quite natural that the death of a loved one leaves a mark on the appearance of people - a pale face, tear-stained eyes, a sad expression on the face is easy to notice. As a rule, people do not want to see themselves in this state at all, so they prefer not to look in the mirror if possible, at least in the early days. This does not apply only to cases when a person is washing or dressing, and even then not always.
Mourning has its own laws regarding the appearance and behavior of the loved ones of the deceased. Admiring your reflection in the mirror does not fit into them at all. To make it easier for the loved ones of the deceased to strictly observe mourning, all mirrors in the rooms are curtained. By the way, this is also necessary so that nothing distracts the living from praying for the dead, and they can devote time to their sorrow. There is also an opinion that large mirrors give a room a more elegant, beautiful look, so they are covered with canvases to emphasize the tragedy of the moment.
During deep grief, a person perceives space and other people in a different way than usual. It can be hard for him to see in the mirror the reflection of the house and those around him. Worst of all, if the reflection shows a photograph of the deceased, which was chosen for the commemoration, candles, or the coffin itself and wreaths. All this only aggravates the situation, crushes, because even if you turn away from what gives painful emotions, you will see the same thing in the reflection.