Why You Can't Give Mirrors

Why You Can't Give Mirrors
Why You Can't Give Mirrors

The attitude of the people towards the mirror is very ambiguous. A huge number of different mystical stories are associated with mirrors. It is believed that this is a window to the other world, which is able to influence the daily life of a person. There are a lot of signs in the world associated with mirrors, and one of them says: in no case should you give a mirror.

Why you can't give mirrors
Why you can't give mirrors

An ancient legend claims that mirrors were given to people by evil spirits who want to penetrate through them into the world of the living. Excessive self-admiration is also considered a sin, this is how the dark forces killed two birds with one stone: they opened the corridor for themselves, and began to embarrass people. The girl sits and admires her reflection for days, but she just has no time to think about serious things.

There is another very interesting story related to mirrors. There is an opinion that the reflection in the mirror is nothing more than a double of a person in the world of looking glass. As if, if you suddenly turn to the mirror, you can see how your reflection will repeat your action, but with some delay. If you often look at your reflection, you can anger your double from the looking glass and incur all sorts of sorrows and hardships.

Mirrors are also considered to be collectors of human life energy, so psychics categorically do not recommend spending a lot of time in front of them. An old mirror can send a beam of negative energy from those who looked into it earlier at you, and even send a curse to the whole family.

It is well known that when a person dies in a house, then all the mirrors in the room are certainly hung so that the soul of the deceased can easily leave this mortal world and accidentally fall into the kingdom of dark spirits that live on the other side of the mirror surface.

The scariest signs are also associated with mirrors. It is believed that if the mirror is broken, then misfortunes will occur in the house for seven years. It is also not recommended to look into a cracked mirror, otherwise your whole life will go awry.


Of course, such a magical and mysterious object is categorically impossible to give to anyone. Such a gift can bring trouble. Previously, it was believed that if they give a mirror, then they simply want to get rid of the person.

In 2006, antiques sellers reached out to people through the media with a very unusual request. They warned lovers of antiquity that no one should in any case buy an antique mirror on which is written "Louis Arpo, 1743". Throughout its long history, this mirror has caused the death of at least 38 people. Almost all owners of this mirror died suddenly from a cerebral hemorrhage.

Many mysterious stories were told in Parisian newspapers related to this cursed object. The mirror has long been stored in an evidence warehouse in Paris, however, when a forensic scientist decided to take a series of photographs of this legendary mirror, then it was discovered that someone had kidnapped it. The theft took place in 2006 and no one knows the exact location of this extraordinary and mystical item. Perhaps it was stolen by the order of a collector who wants to try its magical power on himself, and he just wants to take a trip through the looking glass.


You can not believe in all these signs and legends, considering this speculation of suspicious people, but still it is better not to give a mirror. It is better to make sure in advance that the person to whom you are going to give such a gift does not believe in omens and superstitions.

However, when buying a mirror as a gift, it is better to follow a few simple rules:

  • Give antique and old mirrors only when you are sure that this gift will appeal to the person to whom it is intended.
  • When buying a new mirror, it is better to take a copy from the warehouse in a package. A mirror that hung in the trading floor for a long time could also absorb a lot of negative energy.
  • When you present a mirror as a gift, then ask for a small fee for it.

Probably, the monarchs did not believe in the bad omens associated with mirrors. For example, Maria Medici once ordered 119 mirrors from Venetian masters for her office. As a token of gratitude and as a bonus to the wholesale purchase, the Venetian mirror makers presented the French queen with an additional mirror, the frame of which was lavishly decorated with agates, onyx and emeralds. I wonder if you were suddenly presented with such a thing, then did you start to believe in bad omens associated with mirrors?

If, nevertheless, you were unexpectedly presented with a mirror, and you believe in omens, then you should not immediately shy away from the gift and spoil the mood for yourself and your loved ones. Most likely, the donor did not do this out of malice. Perhaps I have not even heard of such signs.

You can wash the donated mirror with holy water or light church candles near it to neutralize bad energy.
