How Is The Commemoration At The Proskomedia

How Is The Commemoration At The Proskomedia
How Is The Commemoration At The Proskomedia

There are several different commemorations in the Orthodox Church. One of these is the commemoration of the living and the dead before the start of the divine liturgy at the proskomedia.

How is the commemoration at the proskomedia
How is the commemoration at the proskomedia

The proskomedia is performed by the priest in the altar shortly before the start of the divine liturgy. During the proskomedia, the priest prepares the substance for the celebration of the sacrament of the Eucharist, which consists in the addition of bread and wine to the saints of the essence of the true Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.

On the proskomidia, several large prosphora (round specially prepared bread) and several dozen small prosphora are most often used. The priest with special prayers takes out particles from each large prosphora. The first prosphora is called a lamb, since a large particle of bread is taken out of it, which is then used during the Eucharist. Smaller particles are removed from other prosphora in memory of the Mother of God, angels and saints. There is also a special large prosphora, designed to take out particles of bread in memory of the living and the dead. While the priest takes out a particle from such a prosphora with a special copy, people can be commemorated.

Also on the proskomedia, small prosphora, intended exclusively for commemorating people, can be used. The priest takes out a separate particle for each person (sometimes the removal of particles from small prosphora can be performed on the eve of the liturgy during the evening service). All the removed particles are placed on the diskos next to the removed lamb and the rest of the particles from the large prosphora.

At the end of the liturgy (after the sacrament of the faithful), the priest dips the removed particles in memory of the living and the dead into a holy bowl with the words that the Lord with His Blood washed away the sins of all people who were remembered at the proskomedia.

Commemoration at proskomidia is one of the most common commemorations in Christian liturgical practice. Many believers, coming to church, try to order a commemoration at the proskomedia of their relatives, neighbors and acquaintances.
