What Is Commemoration At Proskomedia

What Is Commemoration At Proskomedia
What Is Commemoration At Proskomedia

In Orthodox churches there are several types of prayer commemoration of people. For example, an order for health for a liturgy or prayer service, memorial notes for a requiem. Commemoration at the proskomedia is also one of the options for church commemoration, which is in great demand among believers.

What is commemoration at proskomedia
What is commemoration at proskomedia

Proskomidia is the preparation of a substance for the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Approximately 15 - 20 minutes before the start of the liturgy, the priest in the altar performs a certain sequence, in which he prepares bread and wine for the future application of the latter into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.

The chin of the proskomidia consists of several parts. First, a large particle is removed from the main prosphora. This is the so-called lamb. It is this bread that is applied to the Body of Christ. Then the priest takes out small particles from other prosphora in memory of the Mother of God, angels, John the Baptist and other saints. Next, the priest takes out the particles in memory of living people. During this, notes are read with the names of people ordered for health. Further, the departed are commemorated. This is precisely the commemoration at the proskomedia. For each name, a separate small particle is taken out, which is placed on the diskos next to large particles (lamb, particles in memory of the Mother of God). Also, during the proskomedia, wine is poured into the holy chalice (chalice), which is then applied to the blood of Jesus Christ.

A salient feature of the commemoration at the proskomedia is that at the end of the Liturgy, when the sacrament of the Eucharist has already been performed and people have taken part in the Body and Blood of Christ, the particles taken out in memory of those who were remembered are lowered into the holy cup with the Blood of Christ. The priest says the words that the Lord would wash away the sins of all those who are remembered here with his honest blood.

Believers see in the commemoration at the proskomedia one of the most effective prayers for their relatives and friends.