What Name Should Pauline Be Baptized Under?

What Name Should Pauline Be Baptized Under?
What Name Should Pauline Be Baptized Under?

In the calendar there are two names with which it is proposed to baptize Polina - these are Apollinaria and Pelageya. Names that are completely different in meaning ("solar" and "sea") have powerful energy. That is why girls with the meek name Polina show enviable resilience in extreme situations.

What name should Pauline be baptized under?
What name should Pauline be baptized under?

The name Pauline at different times attracted the parents of girls with its euphony, bringing peace and tranquility. Being quite old, it has never disappeared from everyday life.

The history of its origin is quite controversial. Some experts believe that Polina is a full independent name, since the Greek prefix "poly" means "many". Consequently, Polina is “significant”. Others attribute the name to derivatives of the French Paulina (Peacock), that is, "small", and still others agree that Pauline is an abbreviated form of Apollonia or Apollinaria. In the Russian version, the colloquial Polinaria is more common, which is translated from Greek as “liberated”.

Although the list of names has expanded significantly over the centuries-old history of the church calendar, there is no Polina, Paulina, Apollonia or Polinaria in it. The fact is that in Russia Polina was called Apollinaria or Pelageya. It is these names that are in the calendar. If the girl is still too young to make her own choice at baptism, then the parents will have to decide. Both names are of Greek origin and have tremendous inner energy.

Apollinaria - dedicated to Apollo

Since the name comes from the golden-haired Sun God - Apollo, and the Latin Apollinaris means belonging - Apollo, Apollinaria can be interpreted as "belonging to Apollo", "solar". Apollinaria, as a rule, does not have a meek disposition, which is often predicted for a girl named Polina. As a child, she is cheerful and responsive, loves to participate in the affairs of adults and expects praise and recognition of her merits from them. In adulthood, this is a woman with high intelligence, hardworking and devoted to her work and family hearth. By the type of temperament - choleric. She is touchy, but not vindictive. Doesn't tolerate pressure.

If, during the baptismal ceremony, Polina is named Apollinaria, then she will be patronized:

- Holy Martyr Apollinaria, whose memory day falls on April 4;

- Holy Martyr Apollinaria (Tupitsina), sentenced to death on October 13, 1937 for belonging to a church group;

- the Monk Apollinaria, who was the daughter of Anfemias, the ruler of the Greek Empire. For a long time she hid under a male monastic robe and bore the name Dorotheos. Saint Memorial Day is celebrated on the eve of Epiphany, January 18.

Pelageya - "sea"

The name owes its appearance to the Greek Pelagios, which in the female version sounds like Pelagia - "sea". It is identical to Marina, who is of Latin origin. Perhaps Polina and Pelageya will seem to some not perfectly consonant names, but in Christianity, Pauline is often baptized with the name of Pelageya. In addition, the saints abound in the names of the venerated holy martyrs and monastic martyrs with the following name:

- On April 5, the holy martyr Pelagia is venerated;

- May 17 - Pelagia of Tarsi;

- June 26 - Monk Martyr Pelagia (Zhidko);

- June 30 - Pelagia (Balakireva);

- October 21 - the holy martyr Pelagia of Antioch, who was a disciple of the holy martyr Lucian of Antioch, and Pelagia of Antioch in Palestine;

- November 3 - Monk Martyr Pelagia (Testova);

- February 12 - Pelagia Diveevskaya.

Despite the fact that others "hear" poise in the gentle name Pauline, women who wear him often have a choleric character and do not know how to restrain internal tension for a long time. The girl named Pelageya, at first glance, is phlegmatic, but with the age of her tolerance also comes to an end. "Solar" or "sea" Polina is decent, modest, but impulsive.
