Why Do You Need A Constitution

Why Do You Need A Constitution
Why Do You Need A Constitution

We constantly hear the definition of the Constitution as the basic law by which any state lives, including Russia. This normative document has supreme legal force, it regulates the foundations of the organization of the state and society. The Constitution determines the status of our state, its higher bodies, determines the procedure for their formation, regulates the relationship between power structures and the position of citizens in relation to them.

Why do you need a constitution
Why do you need a constitution

The main task of the Constitution is to consolidate the existing state system. It gives definitions of statehood, nation, state-preserving values of political life, which is especially important for multinational and multiconfessional Russia. The constitution establishes the foundations of the state system and determines its structure. The constitution sets out the areas of competence of the state that it can regulate. The Constitution defines the nature of the rights and freedoms of citizens. It affirms the principle of the supremacy of "human rights", guarantees citizens individual freedom and equality before the law. Compliance with the main provisions of this document and the constitutional rights of citizens are a guarantee of a peaceful life for citizens. All of them - from the president to the ordinary citizen - have equal responsibility before the law. The main provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation are the foundation for all other laws and regulations that are issued by authorities at all levels. Any regulatory document must comply with the basic law of the country and not contradict it. The procedure for the adoption and approval of all legal acts is also determined by the Constitution. In addition, this normative act acts as a "social contract" that the citizens of the country conclude with the state represented by its president. The very form of its adoption - by popular vote, consolidates public consent, on which the unity of the people and the common life of citizens of one country are based. The Constitution is the frame on which a public building is supported. The laws and actions of the authorities must comply with the norms that are established in it. True, today Russians do not really believe that this document plays any significant role in the life of the country and that the authorities practically do not take it into account. The number of such doubters, according to VTsIOM, is 41%.