Who Are The Goths?

Who Are The Goths?
Who Are The Goths?

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Black hair, white skin and piercings are the main outward signs of the representatives of the Gothic subculture. Having appeared a long time ago, this direction is very popular to this day.

Who are the goths?
Who are the goths?

A bit of history

The Gothic subculture originated in the 70s in England. Its origin is closely related to the emergence of the musical direction of gothic rock. Musical groups such as Siouxsie, The Banshees and Southern Death Cult are the inspirations. In the 90s, the Gothic direction of social culture gained wide popularity. There is a lot of available information about who the Goths are and what the supporters of this subculture should look like.

Representatives of the Gothic subculture love dark secluded places. They mostly spend time in cemeteries and abandoned buildings.


The Gothic subculture implies a rather bright and specific appearance. The contrast of pale, almost white skin and black accents in clothing and makeup is an integral part of the Gothic look. In the eighties, gothic fashion was more shocking than it is today. Mostly from the fact that things in the Gothic style were not for sale. Everyone who wanted to join this culture came up with their own outfit, almost always it was ordinary things, re-cut in the desired manner and decorated with stripes and safety pins.

Mostly the gothic fashion was set by the musicians. From the image of the punks, the Goths borrowed fashion for piercings, mohawks and studded clothing and accessories. The main elements of the Gothic image are black in combination with metal or silver jewelry with specific symbols: symbols of immortality, crosses and other occult and magical signs.

Unlike punks, goths are level-headed and not aggressive people. It's all about their passivity and unwillingness to participate in the daily hustle and bustle.

Gothic makeup is a part of both womens and mens fashion. Its main ingredients are white powder, black eyeliner, and red or black lipstick. Also, a popular accessory is unusual contact lenses, most often very light: blue or white.


The main feature of the Gothic subculture is a special form of behavior, the so-called passive protest. The idea of such behavior is a complete denial of the generally accepted way of life. Basically, Goths only communicate with supporters of their culture, preferring to ignore the rest. There is a worship of death, a lack of faith in one's own future and the future of all mankind. Basically, representatives of the subculture are uncommunicative, and personal space is most important for them. We can say that they are absolute sociopaths.