What Is Izzat

What Is Izzat
What Is Izzat

One of the youngest religions in the world is the Bahá'í faith. It arose in the middle of the 19th century. Currently, the number of believers adhering to this religion is about 5 million people. Its founder is a native of Tehran, Arab by birth, Bahá'u'lláh (1817 - 1892). For his religious convictions, he was persecuted, was repeatedly exiled and in prison.

What is Izzat
What is Izzat

Bahá'ís believe in one God, under whose authority all people on Earth are, regardless of nationality and religion. They consider it impossible and useless any attempts of people to comprehend the divine essence. In their opinion, the connection between God and people is carried out with the help of messengers, prophets, whom the Bahá'ís call theophanies. Bahá'u'lláh is the last of the series of Theophanies, along with Moses, Zarathustra, Krishna, Christ, Muhammad.

This religion has its own calendar of 361 days (10 months of 19 days). Baha'i days missing prior to a regular or leap year are added between the penultimate and last months. Such days are called Ayam-i-Ha. At this time, it is supposed to have fun, to receive guests.

The months in the Bahá'í calendar are named for any meritorious quality or hallmark of God or man. For example, "Excellence", "Honor", "Knowledge" or "Speech". The beginning of each month is celebrated with the Feast of the nineteenth day.

September 8, according to the Gregorian calendar, corresponds to the beginning of the month of Izaat according to the Bahá'í calendar, which means “Power” in Arabic. Accordingly, on this day, Bahá'ís celebrate the Feast of the nineteenth day of the month of Izaat. The adherents of this religion come together for common prayer. In addition, they discuss important issues related to any aspects of life, and simply communicate, conduct friendly conversations on a variety of topics. That is, the holiday of the Nineteenth for the month of Izaat contributes to maintaining contacts between members of the community, a sense of their unity. One of the Bahá'í spiritual leaders described this holiday as follows: “It is the basis of harmony and unity. He provides the key to establishing mutual love and brotherhood. He is the herald of the unity of mankind."