Rodion Nakhapetov: Biography And Personal Life

Rodion Nakhapetov: Biography And Personal Life
Rodion Nakhapetov: Biography And Personal Life

In the information field, there are more and more promises that cinema has ceased to be an art. New technologies make it possible to create pictures almost without the participation of actors. To some extent, one can agree with this opinion. However, the living image that is created on the screen by a living person will be in demand by the audience for a long time to come. Films with Rodion Nakhapetov's participation cannot be translated into the language of computer graphics. And you shouldn't do that.

Rodion Nakhapetov, actor and director
Rodion Nakhapetov, actor and director

Seeker and talented

When the film "Lovers" was released on the screens of the Soviet Union, the idols of women of all ages Jean Marais and Alain Delon nervously lit a cigarette on the sidelines. One of the main roles in this tape was played by Rodion Nakhapetov. It should be noted that the actor's creative career began somewhat earlier. He was noticed and invited to work by the cult director Vasily Makarovich Shukshin. In the film "Such a guy lives" Rodion coped with the task "perfectly". According to critics, bright prospects awaited him.

At a certain point in his professional activity, this is exactly what happened. It is important to say that Nakhapetov received his acting education at VGIK. I entered this prestigious educational institution immediately after school on the first try. Already during the training period, venerable directors pay attention to the diligent student. The young man remembered his work with Marlen Khutsiev on the painting "I am twenty years old" for the rest of his life. Regular communication with creative people fueled young talent with ideas.

The history of world cinema keeps many cases, both successful and not so, when successful performers of roles begin to engage in directing. Such directors know from their own experience how a film set lives. At the peak of his acting popularity, Rodion Nakhapetov decides to radically change his creative role. For the performer of the role of shooting in the film, just another episode in a series of similar events. For the director, the picture is like a child who needs to be carried out and brought to the rental.

Crisis and collapse of ambitions

Nakhapetov's biography may surprise an ignorant person. His personal life developed without any problems. At the hour appointed by fate, a friendly family was formed. Union of two creative personalities. Husband and wife, Rodion Nakhapetov and Vera Glagoleva worked in the same area. Talented parents have two adorable daughters one after another. The head of the family, using a well-deserved authority in the creative and administrative circles, was engaged in the implementation of his projects. And suddenly everything went "wrong."

Insightful experts note that by 1991, the USSR had no time for creative pursuits. The country was crumbling. It was during this period that the director Nahapetov accepted the invitation and left for work in the United States. He leaves, and his wife and children stay at home, "in a life torn apart by a storm." Overseas, a cultural figure spoiled by attention was simply not noticed. For many immigrants, love for America originates from a distance. But after a rapid and ill-considered rapprochement, illusions disappear without a trace.

At a dispassionate glance, Rodion Nakhapetov did not create anything worthy abroad. Yes, I was filming something. Received some kind of distinction, grants and prizes. The only acquisition worthwhile is a second spouse. Outwardly, they have harmony in relationships. Natalia, this is the name of this woman, from among the Russian emigrants who have long settled in a foreign land. In 2003, the couple moved to their homeland. Nakhapetov's fans, of whom there are fewer and fewer, hope that he will still create a significant work.