How To Build A Library

How To Build A Library
How To Build A Library

Table of contents:


A sign of a properly assembled library is its relevance. Books shouldn't be on shelves as decoration. Their purpose is to broaden the horizons of the owners, bring pleasant emotions and stimulate thought. A good library is the pride of the owners. It is collected and kept by several generations of the family.

How to build a library
How to build a library


Step 1

Determine where you plan to place the library in the house. It will be a separate room or just a few shelves - it depends on your desire and capabilities. Books do not like direct sunlight, humid air and dust. They are best kept in natural wood glass cabinets. The volumes should not be arranged too tightly so that the books can "breathe".

Step 2

Conduct an audit of the books, magazines, newspapers you have accumulated. Get rid of those titles that don't suit your tastes or are so shabby that they cannot be restored. Sort the remaining books by subject: fiction, children's, reference books and dictionaries, professional publications, books on home economics, cooking, gardening, computers, art albums, sheet music, etc. Give full annual sets of magazines in hard copy. Stick the newspaper clippings on thick sheets of paper and put them in separate folders by topic.

Step 3

Place literature on the shelves. Start with the largest part of your collection. Most often in home libraries it is fiction. It must be divided into genres: Russian and foreign classics, poetry, detective stories, science fiction, etc. Within a genre, arrange books by author and title. If there are not many books yet, you can simply place them in alphabetical order.

Step 4

Separately place reference books, books on your professional specialization, publications related to family members' hobbies, etc. Each section should be separated: start with a new shelf in the closet or stand out with a special divider. Children's books can be placed in the child's room - this will be a "branch" of the library.

Step 5

Add to your home library regularly. First of all, you should buy high-quality editions of classic literature and your favorite works of art. Do not focus solely on the school curriculum. Explore on the Internet lists of world literary prize winners, critics' recommendations, lists of books that must be read by students of the humanities departments of leading universities.

Step 6

Be sure to purchase high-quality reference publications: an explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, a spelling dictionary of the Russian language, an explanatory dictionary of foreign words, a detailed geographical atlas of the world, encyclopedias in various fields of knowledge. These books will help you out more than once and will be useful to your children.

Step 7

Popular scientific publications in various fields of knowledge: physics, chemistry, mathematics, etc. will become a useful acquisition. In them, as a rule, in an accessible language, they tell about the general principles of a particular science, and interesting facts are given. These books can be used to supplement basic and professional knowledge.

Step 8

If you or your family members have a long-term hobby, add books about it to your library. For example, you love taking pictures, then buy books on the art of photography. If you are an avid tourist, it will be useful and pleasant for you to have illustrated publications on active types of recreation.

Step 9

The presence in your home library of albums with reproductions of works by painters, graphic artists, sculptors of various historical eras will enrich your artistic knowledge. By viewing these publications with your children, you can gently introduce them to the world of art.

Step 10

Make it a rule to mark all books with a special sign - ex-libris. You can buy it in the store and adapt it to your taste or make it yourself. Ex-libris will not let your book get lost among friends and acquaintances who have taken it to read. In addition, the presence of a special book mark will become a good family tradition, increase the interest and respect for the book among children.
