When The Willow Is Consecrated In

When The Willow Is Consecrated In
When The Willow Is Consecrated In

A week before the solemn celebration of the bright Resurrection of Christ, the Orthodox Church recalls the event of the Lord's entry into Jerusalem, reflected in liturgical theology in the form of a special worship of the Week of Vaiy. The festive service has special features that befit exclusively this celebration.

When the willow is consecrated in 2019
When the willow is consecrated in 2019

In 2019, the celebration of Easter of Christ falls on Sunday, April 28th. In this regard, the Orthodox calendar determines the corresponding dates for the beginning of Great Lent and the Twelve Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, which pass from year to year.

According to the established liturgical practice of the Russian Orthodox Church, at the service of the Week of Vai, also called Palm Sunday, branches of willows prepared in advance and brought to the church by pilgrims are consecrated.

The tradition of consecrating willows on the Feast of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem is symbolic. Just as the Jewish people planted palm branches on the road along which Christ walked to Jerusalem, the Orthodox believers of Russia, for lack of palm trees, greet the coming Messiah with the first branches blossoming in the spring - willows or willows, which are solemnly consecrated during divine services and kept throughout the year as shrine.

Date of consecration of the willow in 2019

In 2019, Palm Sunday falls on April 21st. However, many believers are confused about exactly when the willow branches are consecrated. Some believe that the willow is consecrated on the very day of the holiday, but it is worth considering that the liturgical day in the Orthodox tradition begins with the service the day before. According to the liturgical rule, that is, at the evening service on the Saturday preceding the feast of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem. Thus, it is necessary to come to the temple for the consecration of the willow in 2019 on the evening of April 20. The very consecration of the willows is inserted into the Matins service, when during the reading of Psalm 50, the priest first censes the prepared branches, and then he himself reads a prayer for consecration, followed by sprinkling with holy water. After the consecration of the willow, the choir sings the festive stichera and the evening service continues.


The beginning of the All-Night Vigil service on Palm Sunday differs in many parishes. But it can be argued that in 2019 the divine service with the consecration of the willow will begin on Saturday, April 20, from 16:00 to 18:00 (the exact date of the beginning of the service in a separate parish should be clarified).

Is it possible to consecrate the willow on another day

Sometimes, for various reasons, believers cannot attend the Palm Sunday all-night vigil, which is celebrated on Saturday. In this regard, the question arises whether it is possible to consecrate the willow on another day. For the sake of exception, the clergyman can read prayers for the consecration of the willow and on the very day of the holiday on Sunday at the end of the morning divine liturgy. After that, the branches will be sprinkled with holy water in the same way as the day before.
