Superstitions During Pregnancy - Is There A Grain Of Truth In Them?

Superstitions During Pregnancy - Is There A Grain Of Truth In Them?
Superstitions During Pregnancy - Is There A Grain Of Truth In Them?

There are many superstitions associated with pregnancy. Do they have even a grain of truth and rationality? There is…

Superstitions during pregnancy - is there a grain of truth in them?
Superstitions during pregnancy - is there a grain of truth in them?

Many mothers-to-be are given advice on "do's and don'ts" from the realm of superstition. Someone believes in omens and tries not to do what is impossible, someone shrugs it off and continues to behave as usual. Both are right in their own way, because in some superstitions there is a rational kernel, and you still need to listen to the opinion of the older generation. No, no, there is absolutely no need to go to extremes, but …

: Pregnant cats should not be stroked. Old people believe that if a pregnant woman strokes a fluffy or ordinary cat, then the child will definitely have a so-called hair spot, and in his life he will be accompanied by envious people and enemies. The scientific explanation for the prohibition is that cats are carriers of toxoplasmosis, a disease that can cause great harm to the health of the baby even in the womb.

: a pregnant woman cannot sit on the porch or doorstep, because they are a kind of border between the worlds, have magical properties, etc. The explanation is actually quite simple - the porch and the threshold are, as a rule, in a draft, that is, mommy can catch a cold.

: the ban on sewing and knitting is a superstition associated with the knot principle, that is, if mommy is engaged in needlework, then she ties the child into the world (childbirth will be difficult). Scientific explanation: very often, at needlework, a woman sits for a long time and in an uncomfortable position. That is, you can engage in sewing and knitting, but for a short time, "diluting" the activities with your favorite hobby movement.

: In late pregnancy, do not raise your arms high, as the baby may become entangled in the umbilical cord. And nothing of the kind - the hands of the mother and the umbilical cord are not connected in any way. But it is not recommended to reach up somewhere (hang linen, curtains), since in this position it is easy to lose balance and fall.

- you need to listen to the elders, because all superstitions came to us from time immemorial and are based on the experience of our great-great-grandmothers. And mystical properties were attributed to them for intimidation, apparently, so that all of them were observed.
