Older people are unlikely to be able to describe metalheads with pleasant words. Representatives of this currently very popular subculture are seen in approximately the same way by parents whose children are fond of heavy music. However, all the labels given to metalheads have nothing to do with the average metalhead.

Metalists or metalheads are people who are addicted to metal. Metal is a common name for heavy music. There are about thirty varieties of metal at the moment, and their list is constantly growing. The main ones are black, death, thrash, power, doom and heavy. Each type is distinguished by the sound of the melody, the speed and manner of performance, the content of the texts. Metalists are rarely omnivores, they can listen to different directions, but more often than not they are drawn to one thing.
Their appearance often depends not so much on their favorite direction as on a combination of several factors: age, team, position in society, worldview, etc. In most cases, the typical young metalhead wears long hair (male), is dressed in black or dark clothes, T-shirts, hoodies; from above you can often see a leather jacket "leather jacket", it is the hallmark of the metalhead; leather pants or black jeans. Metal workers prefer to wear heavy shoes, these can be ordinary boots with chains, army boots, "ankle boots", "Camelot" and the like. Chains, wristbands, collars, earrings are an integral part of the metal style. All this undoubtedly makes the metalhead stand out from the crowd: the look is stern, brooding and sometimes frightening. However, this style is only a superficial touch, which eventually disappears. Many old school metalheads disdain teenagers covered in metal tinsel.
About the religiosity of metalworkers, we can only say that all people are different and one size fits all should not be rowed. Among both young and mature metalheads, there are people of different faiths. It can be Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, to a lesser extent Islam. Satanists also come across, but in most cases this is posturing, which does not pose any danger to society, and is limited only by the defiant style of clothing and makeup. The most common can be considered paganism, which depends on the country of residence, and atheism.
The aggressiveness of the adherents of metal, from the point of view of the layman, is based on a few cases in Northern Europe, where metalworkers participated in pogroms and arson of Protestant churches. In the bulk, the metalheads are quite quiet, calm, even phlegmatic, they pour out all their emotions, all the accumulated energy at the concerts of their favorite bands. In fact, for many young people, their favorite heavy music is a kind of psychotherapy. The behavior of young people on the dance floor can cause horror in people far from informal life, and laughter in mature metalheads. Headbanging and slamming are considered frequent occurrences at concerts and festivals.
The intellectual level of metalworkers is quite high, most of them are getting or already have completed higher education, they read a lot. And although the favorite literature of metalhead is most often science fiction, horror and fantasy, but nowadays, when a significant part of young people do not know which side to approach the book, this can be considered an achievement.