Many of us have to commute to and from work by subway, and during rush hours we sometimes have to take overcrowded cars by storm. Here we are no longer talking about etiquette and politeness, but about surviving in a crowd. By the way, most of the advice can be attributed to the crowded ground public transport.

Step 1
First and foremost: while in the metro, you should constantly remember that this is a place of increased danger, and you need to behave on the basis of this.
Step 2
Do not go to the very edge of the platform! Even if your vestibular apparatus is normal and your head is not dizzy, there is a danger of crowd pressure from behind.
Step 3
Keep your head down to peer into the tunnel! The train will not come faster from this, and you are putting your life in serious danger. A particular threat is posed by the rear-view mirror of the train, which protrudes over a considerable distance - there are several cases of death or injury of people hit by this mirror.
Step 4
If a lot of people have gathered on the platform, and the train has arrived overcrowded, do not try to get on it, it is better to wait for the next one! As practice shows, less loaded trains arrive with a certain regularity, for example, from the depot, and you can enter them almost without problems.
Step 5
Once on the train, squeezed from all sides by other passengers, stand still, do not push! Do not think that someone is leaning on you or pushing on purpose to do nasty things. Not! In the metro, everyone is equal, everyone is in the same position, and everyone is just as cramped and stuffy as you are. Therefore, the best thing you can do is to get as comfortable as possible and ride safely to your stop.
Step 6
It is strongly not recommended to put your arms or elbows out to the sides: the crowd can suddenly swing or jerk somewhere, and the clamped hand is at risk of dislocation or even fracture. Therefore, keep your hands close to your own body!
Step 7
If you have a bag with money, documents or other valuables in it, be sure to keep it in front of you; remove the backpack and place it between your legs. Do not put valuables in the back pockets of your trousers or outside pockets. Thefts in the flea market happen regularly!
Step 8
Take off your headphones! It will be better if you can hear what is happening around you and control the situation (see point # 1).
Step 9
No matter how difficult it is, you always need to remain human and behave respectfully towards others.