Naval Ranks And Their Classification

Naval Ranks And Their Classification
Naval Ranks And Their Classification

The well-being of each state depends on its military power. In addition to the ground forces, the country's navy is also of great importance. In accordance with the charter, each soldier receives a certain rank. The same applies to sailors, only the gradation is slightly different.

Naval ranks
Naval ranks

Classification of naval ranks

All naval titles can be divided into three main groups - qualification and professional, naval and honorary. The first category should include the ranks of seafarers who go to sea on civilian ships. By the way, such naval titles began to be used at the beginning of the eighteenth century. These are such titles as boatswain, navigator and skipper. After passing a special certification, a seaman could receive only one of these titles. And only in the twentieth century there was a serious reform of this system. Naval ranks were supplemented with navigational titles, which began to include navigator and captain. The merit of each title was measured in four categories. The reform affected the flotilla more than once after that.

Currently, all naval ranks of the civilian fleet include categories such as:

- captains of long or short voyage;

- long-range or short-range navigators;

- ship mechanics of three categories;

- ship electromechanics of three categories;

- ship radio specialists of two categories;

- ship radiotelegraphists and operators.

Naval ranks

Naval ranks are usually assigned to people who are called up to serve in the navy. True, the initial rank depends on the skills, qualifications received and special military training. For example, if a young man is called up for military service on a ship, he is awarded the title of sailor. This rank is fully consistent with the rank of private in the ground forces.

A senior sailor is the same as a corporal. Well, the foreman of the first and second articles is similar to the squad commanders in the ground forces. As for the ranks of the chief petty officer and the chief petty officer of the ship, they correspond to such land ranks as the foreman of the combat unit and the platoon commander. The warrant officer on the ship is in no way inferior in rank to the warrant officer of the ground forces. The gradation of lieutenants is similar. Well, then some disagreements begin. A land captain corresponds to a lieutenant captain in the fleet. An admiral is the same land general. The highest rank in the fleet is admiral-general. This rank is similar to Field Marshal.

It is worth noting that in addition to stars, strips called drags are also sewn to the epaulettes of the military in the navy.