How To Find Where A Person Served

How To Find Where A Person Served
How To Find Where A Person Served

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If a person has already served in the ranks of the armed forces, then you have several options in order to find out reliable information about the place of military service. Of course, such information is specific, and it is not distributed left and right. That is why the circle of persons admitted to this information is very narrow. Usually it is given out only to close relatives.

How to find where a person served
How to find where a person served


Step 1

Firstly, now we all live in the age of developed information technologies: try to search for information on the Internet. If you know the number of the military unit, then enter it in the search engine. As practice shows, now almost every part has its own group on social networks, which you can easily find by its identification number. And then, as they say, it's a matter of technology. At the forum, ask local "old-timers" if they know such and such a person, and if so, where and how they served together.

Step 2

If the internet doesn't help, proceed with Plan B. After demobilization, each serviceman is obliged to put a mark on the passage of military service in the ranks of the army at the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration, from where he was taken into the army. Then he is obliged to provide accurate information about the place and time of military service, the type of troops, the number of the military unit, the exact address. Therefore, the easiest way to find out the information you are interested in is to contact the military registration and enlistment office.

Step 3

If you only have rough information about a person's place of service, such as a county or district, then you have to do painstaking work. Make or find (on the same Internet) a list of all military units in the area with the exact addresses and phone numbers. Then call these parts and ask for the information you are interested in. Of course, it is not at all a fact that they will willingly provide it to you, but the chance still remains.

Step 4

A special request from law enforcement or prosecutors is ideal, but this is usually required if a person is being prosecuted as an accused or a witness in a criminal case. You can get this information only indirectly, either as an involved person, or by attending an open court session.
