Why FSB Officers Will Be Tested For Drugs

Why FSB Officers Will Be Tested For Drugs
Why FSB Officers Will Be Tested For Drugs

In July 2012, an order was adopted, according to which all FSB officers, as well as people wishing to enter an FSB educational institution or start serving, will be required to undergo a drug test. It was decided that inspections would begin in November 2012.

Why FSB officers will be tested for drugs
Why FSB officers will be tested for drugs

Drug testing of FSB employees, as well as people who intend to work in this structure, is primarily associated with the definition of professional suitability. The fact that drug addicts may be included in the security service is a matter of serious concern to the authorities. Thanks to the results of the inspections, it is planned to clear the ranks of the security service employees from undesirable persons and thereby improve the quality of its work. And finally, the FSB will be able to establish a tighter selection of candidates and protect itself from recruiting young drug addicts.

Interestingly, the test will help identify not only those who have recently used drugs, but even those who have tried them at least once, even if many years ago. For this, in addition to the standard procedure, which includes a laboratory study of biological fluids, a psychological examination and a conversation using a polygraph will be carried out. If it is revealed that the FSB officer used narcotic or psychotropic substances, the specialists will first conduct a more detailed examination, and then provide a detailed report to the authorities. After reviewing the report, management will decide what action to take.

Scheduled and unscheduled inspections will be carried out. The former are intended for all military personnel and civilians directly involved in work in the FSB, as well as for candidates wishing to enter a specialized educational institution or service. This will help to identify persons unsuitable for work in the security service and take the necessary measures in relation to them. Unscheduled inspections will be carried out personally for those employees who are suspected of using drugs, as well as for those who have hepatitis B or C.

Detailed instructions on how to carry out drug testing in the ranks of FSB officers is given in the order “On Approval of the Instructions on the Organization and Conduct of Mandatory Examination for the Use of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances in Federal Security Service Bodies”.