Is It Possible To Wear Things After A Deceased Person: The Opinion Of A Priest

Is It Possible To Wear Things After A Deceased Person: The Opinion Of A Priest
Is It Possible To Wear Things After A Deceased Person: The Opinion Of A Priest

In accordance with the prevailing foundations, Orthodox people respectfully treat the deceased and everything that remains after them. In this regard, there is often a misunderstanding of whether it is possible to wear things after a deceased person? The priest's opinion can help to understand the situation.

Priests say: you can wear things after a deceased person
Priests say: you can wear things after a deceased person

Opinion of Archpriest Alexander Dokolin, rector of churches of the Moscow Patriarchate

In Orthodoxy, it is believed that everything good that lived in a person during his life, after his death, continues to live in his things. This is a legacy that in no case needs to be buried and, moreover, simply burned or thrown away. And to wear things after a deceased person means to cherish the memory of him and show respect. It is not for nothing that the clothes and jewels and even the relics that remain after the departure of the saints have long been preserved by the Church.

Another thing is when the things of the deceased become the subject of contention of relatives, each of whom strives to become the only heir. The clothes and valuables of the dead should not turn into a source of negativity and anger. If a similar situation befell you, and you are not sure that you are the only one claiming the things of a relative, give them up to the one who is more worthy.

There are also such household items and even clothes that cause negative feelings in loved ones or are associated with the sinful activities of the deceased during his lifetime. If they really cause spiritual suffering, they should be burned if no further use is possible. But it is important to remember that nothing in this world should be wasted. If possible, contact a priest and ask them to highlight the things of the deceased person that cause unpleasant feelings and memories.

Opinion of Archpriest Sergei Vasin, rector of the Bobyakovsky Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Leaving for another world, a person goes to meet Christ. And throughout this entire path (and it can take time beyond our comprehension) it is necessary to pray for his peace. The support of loved ones is the best thing that can be done for his posthumous deliverance from sins. And the remaining things can do this good service.

If after a deceased relative there are many abandoned things left, it is worth deciding which of them are dear to your memory, and which can be given to those in need. Let part of the inheritance pass as alms to disadvantaged or poor health. And it is better to do this within forty days from the day of the death of a loved one. One way or another, wearing clothes after a deceased person and using his other things will carry exceptionally good intentions.

There is also an opinion that as long as the 40-day period after death lasts, no things of the deceased need to be touched. This should be done only in cases where these items risk becoming the subject of contention of relatives or the ultimate purpose of their use is not yet clear. In this difficult period for all loved ones and the very soul of a person who has left this world, it is better not to commit rash acts, and after that it is better to think carefully about how to deal with the inherited inheritance.