How And To Whom To Pray For The Healing Of The Stomach

How And To Whom To Pray For The Healing Of The Stomach
How And To Whom To Pray For The Healing Of The Stomach

How and to whom to pray for the treatment of the stomach: gastritis, ulcers and other, including cancer, diseases? How and how much is it appropriate to ask the saints for healing? How is it possible to obtain the desired recovery?

How and to whom to pray for the healing of the stomach
How and to whom to pray for the healing of the stomach

It is customary in the Church to pray for the diseases listed in the announcement to the saints: the Healer of ailments - the Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, the apostles (all at once, any of them or whose name you bear) and saints: the great martyr Artemy of Antioch (Comm. 2 November) and the Monk Theodore Studite (commemorated November 24).

It is easy to get rid of the problem with faith and tears, venerating the relics and miraculous icons. The Church has established the reading of prayers, akathists and canons, for forty days, although the trouble disappears much earlier.

It is better to ask ardently, diligently and briefly: "Lord, through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the glorious apostles and saints Artemy and Theodore, have mercy on me, a sinner." And also: “Most Holy Theotokos! Holy glorious apostles, saints: Artemy and Theodore! Heal me a sinner (s), pray to God for me."

It is effective to make a good feasible vow to the Lord, the Mother of God or the saint (saints) for a speedy recovery, and if there is a severe stomach damage. The main thing is not to deceive and fulfill the promised for healing.

In Orthodoxy, it is customary to give thanks for recovery: to read thanksgiving prayers or akathists or the prayer of the righteous John of Kronstadt.
