To Whom To Pray For Deliverance From Drunkenness

To Whom To Pray For Deliverance From Drunkenness
To Whom To Pray For Deliverance From Drunkenness

In the Christian understanding, alcoholism is considered not just a bodily disease, but also a spiritual one. To get rid of this passion, Orthodox people are advised to resort not only to medical specialists, but also to pray for help in overcoming the disease.

To whom to pray for deliverance from drunkenness
To whom to pray for deliverance from drunkenness

Anyone who wants to get rid of the passion of drunkenness should turn to God with requests for help. This can also be done by those people whose relatives are susceptible to this ailment. In addition to the prayers that are indicated in Orthodox prayer books, anyone can pray to the Lord in their own words for relatives and friends.

In Christian practice, prayers for the beating of the Mother of God from drunkenness in front of the icon "Inexhaustible Chalice" are especially widespread. In many prayer books, certain prayers are indicated precisely before this holy image. It is also recommended to turn to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the icon "Seeking the Lost." However, it is necessary to understand that the Mother of God is one, therefore, it is necessary to ask for help not from a specific icon, but from the very personality of the Virgin Mary. Certain images are just a practice according to which they pray in front of these icons in healing from drunkenness.

You can pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker, Seraphim of Sarov, however, like any saint. But still, there are some saints of God, to whom you can turn especially, asking for help in overcoming the problems of drunkenness.

Such saints in the Christian tradition are the Monk Moses Murin and the Martyr Bonifatius. The practice of praying to certain saints may be due to the fact that it was they who, in their life or after death, more often helped to overcome this or that ailment. Many Orthodox prayer books contain prayers to the Monk Moses and the Martyr Boniface.

In addition, the most suffering one can pray to his saint and guardian angel.

An Orthodox person must remember that the main thing is the desire of the individual to overcome the problem, the awareness of his illness. And for suffering friends and relatives, firm faith and hope in the mercy of God, the Mother of God and the saints are needed. At the same time, you need to try in every possible way to help the person suffering from the ailment of drunkenness get rid of the disease.
