Love-history novels are a genre in demand by both readers and publishers. If you decide to try yourself in this field, seriously prepare yourself - study historical sources, find out details about the life of the selected period. And do not forget about the love affair - only then your work will be read with interest.

Step 1
Explore the era you are about to write about. Historical research on this topic, as well as memoirs and collections of letters from contemporaries will help you. Please note that only a small portion of such literature is posted on the Internet. To gain access to more materials, sign up for a research library. Read also the fiction of the period you have chosen - so you can understand not only the general outline of historical events, but also the specifics of the inner world of the characters. Choose a period in the history of your country that is close to modern times, for example, the 19th century. The life and everyday life of people of an earlier time living in another state is more difficult to describe.
Step 2
Decide who your heroes will be. Keep in mind that the higher the social status of the character, the more likely it is that you will have to write works of real historical figures into the canvas. This can seriously limit your imagination as a writer. However, you can follow the path of Alexandre Dumas, father, who, using real people and situations in his works, at the same time greatly modified the outline of history.
Step 3
Try to strike a balance between the love affair and the historical component in your novel. Even if the whole plot consists in a love relationship between two people, then the descriptions of their costumes, interiors and lifestyle should correspond to the time. Keep any research on costume history with you, preferably illustrated. So you can better imagine what the pannier, bustle and other elements of the costume looked like at the time you need.
Step 4
If your novel will cover a significant period of time, draw up a timeline of the main events in the work. It needs to indicate the age of the heroes, as well as the main political and social changes that could affect their lives - revolutions, wars, the coming to power of new rulers. This will make it easier for you to navigate the development of the plot.
Step 5
Think carefully about your love affair. Avoid trivial situations, do not get carried away by lengthy descriptions and long dialogues - readers of love stories prefer a dynamic plot and exciting events. As you finish the book, think about the possibility of a sequel - it is possible that your novel will be the beginning of a new popular series.