Why Does A Person Do Good

Why Does A Person Do Good
Why Does A Person Do Good

Good is the gratuitous help provided by one person to another. It can be material or spiritual, but it always assumes that the doer is giving something away from himself. But what is the point in this, why does a person do good without expecting anything in return?

Why does a person do good
Why does a person do good

Man is a social being, therefore he is sensitive to those changes, positive or negative, that occur next to him, in the social environment. A normal person, adapted to society, subconsciously perceives other people's sufferings as his own, they are physically unbearable to him. Scientists have experimented with newborn babies, and it has been found that healthy and well-fed babies often cry when they hear the cry of their neighbor, who is hungry or sick. It turns out that it is the good that is the innate human need. Of course, there are evil and selfish people, but this can be attributed to the shortcomings of upbringing or even genetic pathology. Indeed, in fact, giving disinterestedly, a person experiences a kind of euphoria, at these moments there is a release into the blood of a certain amount of joy hormones - endorphin and serotonin. Sociologists say that human society lives according to the rule of mutual exchange, according to which each person tries to repay in this way for what another person has provided to him. Life in human society implies cooperation, it was this that helped people survive in prehistoric times. Many other biological species live on the Earth by the same principle: “you - to me, I - to you”, ensuring their survival. Goodness gives rise to positive energy that attracts others like themselves - positive thoughts, longevity, health, happiness and well-being. Peace of mind and harmony with the outside world - this is actually the value of the good that a person does. Therefore, we can say that he does good, he is not completely disinterested - he feels pleasure and satisfaction from these actions. This is the payment for good, which can hardly be expressed in monetary terms, it is truly priceless. A person does good because he subconsciously realizes how he treats the world around him, so the world will relate to him.
