Pauline Moran: A Short Biography

Pauline Moran: A Short Biography
Pauline Moran: A Short Biography

British Crown citizen Pauline Moran is a contemporary actress. He plays in the theater, acts in films and on television. She read Shakespeare's plays, which serve as role models for directors and actors of all civilized countries, as a schoolgirl.

Pauline Moran
Pauline Moran

Difficult childhood

Many Russians are unaware that a rigid, hierarchical society has been formed in England. It is very difficult for a person who was born in a working-class family, almost impossible to take a position in a municipality or become a university teacher. Yes, there are social ladders, but it is very difficult to move up them. Pauline Moran was born on August 26, 1947. Parents at that time lived in the small town of Blackpool, which is located in a picturesque place on the coast of the Irish Sea.

My father worked as a docker in the port. The mother was engaged in housekeeping and raising children. In those years, the country was healing the wounds inflicted by the Second World War. The girl had to wear clothes that she got from her older sister. The food was very meager. There was only meat on the table on weekends and holidays. Pauline was brought up in strict rules. At an early age, she helped her mother with household chores and went to church on Sundays. After the morning sermon, you could go to the movies. "Spun" mainly American films and Germanic pictures, which England received as trophies after the war.

Professional activity

When there was a free minute, the girl went ashore, and, looking at the sea surf, dreamed of how she would become a famous actress. The time came and Pauline started attending a local school. In addition to her core studies, she learned to play the banjo and guitar. There was a theater studio at the school. Young Moran enjoyed attending classes. Preparing for the next rehearsal, the future actress went to the library and carefully reread the text of the play. Diligence and dedication paid off handsomely. Following the recommendation of one of the teachers, Moran left for London, where she became a student at the National Youth Theater School.

Moran played her first significant role on the stage in the classic play "King Lear". Cornelia, performed by a young actress, was praised by almost all critics. Figuratively speaking, the road to the big stage was open for Pauline. However, her acting career did not develop as quickly as she wanted. For several years, Moran received only cameo roles. She was often invited to television projects. On the stage, she played in almost all of Shakespeare's plays.

Personal life

Pauline Moran prefers not to talk about her personal life. They say that she once had a husband. But no one knows detailed information about his person. The actress spends her free time at a sewing machine. She is keenly interested in fashion trends, and is engaged in modeling women's clothing.