In its 227 years of existence, the United States of America has achieved prosperity and become a powerful power. The United States has a huge impact on the world community, promoting the principles of democracy and its political regime.
Step 1
According to the US Constitution, which was adopted in 1787, America is a federal republic. It includes 50 states and the District of Columbia. Each state has its own constitution, governor, and legislature. State power in the United States is vested in the Federal Government, which consists of legislative, executive, and judicial bodies.
Step 2
The head of state and government is a president who is popularly elected for a four-year term. At the same time, the head of government cannot be in power for more than two terms. The President is the Supreme Commander of the United States Armed Forces. His powers include the appointment of senior officials, participation in the formation of the legislative framework and the issuance of presidential decrees.
Step 3
Executive power is vested in the Vice President and Cabinet. Legislative power is vested in the US Congress, which consists of the Senate and House of Representatives. Each state elects 2 representatives to the Senate. The political regime of the United States is aimed at the exercise of state power by legal methods in accordance with the adopted laws and the constitution, and citizens are endowed with the rights to participate in governing the country through elected representatives. In Congress, representatives of two parties: the Democratic and the Republican are forced to seek a compromise by passing laws.
Step 4
The highest judicial power in America is vested in the Supreme Court, which can overturn presidential decrees and invalidate passed laws. However, the main activity of the Supreme Court is the examination of appeals to lawsuits. Also, in the event of disagreements between the branches of government, the Supreme Court resolves these disputes. It is worth noting that a candidate for the position of chief judge is proposed by the president, and the Senate must approve it.
Step 5
The United States of America adheres to the democratic principle of government, which implies the rule of the people. The law strictly limits the methods of coercion, and prohibits mass and social violence. The country emphasizes the legal equality of all citizens and recognizes ethnic and social minorities. According to the principles of democracy in America, there is freedom of speech and an independent media.
Step 6
The country has a multi-party political system, the monopoly on political power is excluded and the principles of competition for power are welcomed. America's political regime is aimed at realizing the common interests of US citizens. At the same time, this state has sufficient material, natural and other resources to achieve its goals.