Vladimir Vladimirovich Mirzoev: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mirzoev: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Vladimir Vladimirovich Mirzoev: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mirzoev is a well-known director in Russia, an excellent production designer. He embodied more than a dozen directorial ideas on stage. The person is original, truth-loving and frank. Some of Mirzoev's performances are delightful. Others consider his productions to be disastrous and uninteresting.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mirzoev
Vladimir Vladimirovich Mirzoev


Vladimir Mirzoev was born in Moscow on October 21, 1957. From early childhood, the boy was distinguished by his activity and artistry. At school he took part in theatrical circles, played in children's productions and recognized the scene early. After graduating from school, he entered the Pedagogical Institute. He worked in a factory to help himself with his studies. Vladimir was not engaged in pedagogical activity. In 1976 he entered the directing department of GITIS. After graduating in 1981, he took up theater journalism.


Vladimir has always gravitated towards directing. His biography as a director began in the late eighties (1987). It happened at the Lenkom Theater. Here he started working in the youth creative association "Debut". The same year was significant for the novice director because he was entrusted with the management of the Dynamo Theater Studio. He worked a little - a year and a half. But during this time he staged a number of performances that were successfully staged on the stage of the theater ("Madame Margarita" by R. Atayad, "Noon Section" by P. Claudel, "Embers" by S. Beckett, etc.).

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mirzoev
Vladimir Vladimirovich Mirzoev

County from the country

The changes that began in the USSR pushed the young director to the fact that he decided to emigrate to Canada. It happened in 1989. Toronto, where Mirzoyev went, has always been considered a world theater center. The young man had a hard time. In order to achieve something in Canada, he had to learn the language, work hard. For some time he worked in a hard, unskilled job. I studied the language a lot. And already in 1990 he managed to found a theater company called Horizontal Eight. Becoming the artistic director of the theater at the same time, in a short time he staged a number of performances ("The Bear" by A. Chekhov, "The Strongest" by A. Strindberg, "Ping-Pong Players" by U. Saroyan, etc.), which were a huge success in Toronto. … Mirzoev became a famous person in Canada. He was invited to lecture to students, conduct master classes at the universities of Toronto and Michigan.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mirzoev
Vladimir Vladimirovich Mirzoev


Having lived and worked in Canada for 4 years, Mirzoev returned to his homeland in 1993. Upon his return, Vladimir Vladimirovich staged his first performance at the Stanislavsky Theater (1994). It was "The Marriage" by N. Gogol. After Gogol, he had several more productions, where the director showed himself to be an interesting, original and extraordinary director. Theater critics treated him rather ambiguously. Some of them admired him and called him an innovator and revolutionary. Others - clearly showed their rejection. In parallel with the Moscow Drama Theater. K. Stanislavsky Mirzoev worked in other famous theaters of the country.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mirzoev
Vladimir Vladimirovich Mirzoev

Your style

Working hard and becoming a real professional in his field, the famous director has formed his own team of actors who work based on his methods and style. Such eminent actors as E. Shanina, I. Grineva, S. Makovetsky, M. Sukhanov collaborate with him. In addition to theatrical performances, the director has a lot of work in film and television. For his fruitful work, Vladimir Vladimirovich was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art (2001). And also a special award for the film "Boris Godunov" (2011) - the "White Elephant" award.

Personal life

Mirzoev Vladimir Vladimirovich was married. From his first wife he has a son, Pavel (1977). The second wife is Catherine. She is not only a spouse, but also a companion at work.