How To Guess All The Numbers In The Lottery

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How To Guess All The Numbers In The Lottery
How To Guess All The Numbers In The Lottery

Video: How To Guess All The Numbers In The Lottery

Video: How To Guess All The Numbers In The Lottery
Video: 13,983,816 and the Lottery - Numberphile 2024, October

Sometimes luck is the only thing you can count on. There are also various strategies, calculations, and so on, but they are simply not known to most people. Hence, it remains to hope for either luck or intuition. In the end, it's not for nothing that they say that if you suffer for a long time, then something will work out.

How to guess all the numbers in the lottery
How to guess all the numbers in the lottery


Step 1

We must honestly admit the fact that lotteries in Russia are not as well developed as in the West. Consequently, there are only a few really large and fair lotteries. And there are a lot of people who want to win big money in an even game. Based on this, it follows that the probability of victory becomes very small. Moreover, so much so that there is simply no point in playing, since you lose more than you bring to your budget. It is for this reason that people are trying to find, invent, learn some method that would help them get the coveted prize. But, alas, as mentioned above, one can only hope for intuition and luck. Therefore, you need to develop the first and attract the second.

Step 2

Intuition. If you believe John Kehoe, in his fundamental work "The subconscious mind can do anything," then intuition is the ability of the subconscious to find and timely issue the necessary information at the right time. Moreover, there is no firm confidence in the truth of the decision or the answer. There is a vague understanding that "somewhere I heard this", or "someone told me this." At worst - "I don't know, but it seems to me that everything should be exactly like this."

Step 3

Now let's look at intuition from the other side. Yes, it is a brain ability. Hence, it can also be trained and improved. There is an unofficial version that the fighters of some units of the security forces are forced to improve their intuition so that they can save their lives in critical situations and strike the enemy first. For this (again, according to unconfirmed reports) electrodes are connected to the fighter, and various figures of people appear on the screen. The subject must guess where the enemy will arise and strike almost instantly. If the fighter fails to guess, he is struck by an electric shock. This is a pretty brutal training method. However, if it really helps to save life in a dangerous situation, then all means are good.

Step 4

Intuition can and should develop. In this case, a more successful resolution of events is quite possible than it could be, and the victorious numbers themselves will pop up in the head.
