Why Abortion Is Considered A Sin In Christianity

Why Abortion Is Considered A Sin In Christianity
Why Abortion Is Considered A Sin In Christianity

One of the main commandments of Christianity is love for one's neighbor. The Christian Church is categorically against harming a person, both mental and physical. One of the worst and first sins in the history of mankind was the murder for which Cain was cursed. In modern times, the Church also considers abortion to be a murder.

Why abortion is considered a sin in Christianity
Why abortion is considered a sin in Christianity

The result of medical intervention for the abortion operation is the termination of the life of the fetus while still in the womb. The Church has always defended the unborn children, defending their right to life. According to the teachings of the Orthodox faith, the human soul is formed precisely at the moment of conception, and therefore the fruit itself is already a living human personality. To the best of this, any manipulation that prevents the birth of a baby is, in fact, a medical murder of the child.

Also, the Church has a negative attitude towards abortion and due to the fact that it harms the health of the mother directly. This can cause serious not only psychological, but also physiological problems.

It should be noted that the Orthodox Church can only allow abortion in the event of a threat to the mother's life during childbirth or during pregnancy. If there is a choice, then the mother is saved. This is the official point of view of doctors and the Church. But if an abortion is performed only because of a reluctance to give birth to a child or any other motives not based on medical indications, then not only the mother is to blame for the death of the baby, but also everyone who persuaded the woman to abortion. Including a doctor who gave permission for this without medical evidence.

The sin of abortion, which is also called the murder of an unborn child, must be said in confession with a feeling of heartfelt repentance.