The name of Prophetic Oleg, the founder of Kievan Rus, is associated with many legends, the reliability of many of them is still debated. However, the invaluability of his contribution to the formation of the Russian statehood is beyond doubt, therefore the Kiev prince is still remembered and honored.

Annually on February 3, the day of remembrance of Prince Oleg the Prophet is celebrated. During the years of his reign, he managed to cope with an impossible task - to gather scattered and disunited Slavic tribes into a single state. Times were difficult and cruel, in order to create a single strong state, Prophetic Oleg had to seize Kiev, killing the warriors Dir and Askold who temporarily ruled there. These events marked the beginning of the famous Kievan Rus.
For the next 25 years, Oleg expanded and strengthened his state, subjugating the Drevlyans, northerners, Radimichi and other tribes. Then the famous campaign against Byzantium took place, during which the fearless prince won a bright victory. Having received a large ransom from the defeated Byzantines, Oleg, as a sign of victory, nailed his shield to the gates of Constantinople.
The famous "Tale of Bygone Years" says that Prince Oleg died from a snakebite. According to legend, the prince was predicted by the wise men death from his beloved horse. Oleg only laughed at the prediction and ordered the horse to be taken away so that the prophecy could not come true. Nevertheless, the wise men were right. The horse died, Prophetic Oleg came to look at his bones, where he was stung by a snake hiding in the skull of a fallen animal.
On the day of memory of Prince Oleg, various events are held in many cities of Russia. In schools, museums and houses of culture, exhibitions are held dedicated to the reign of the prince. Visitors are presented with household items, clothes of the ancient Slavs, weapons of that time and other preserved monuments of ancient Russian culture. In some cities, theatrical performances are held, recreating the events of those times.
On the day of memory of Prophetic Oleg, schoolchildren prepare essays on the history of the formation of Kievan Rus, participate in thematic seminars, drawing contests. In literature lessons, students re-read "The Song of the Prophetic Oleg" - a famous work written by A. S. Pushkin. High school students recall another work dedicated to the Grand Duke - “Oleg the Prophet. Duma”K. F. Ryleev. Having laid the foundation for the united Russia, Prophetic Oleg forever inscribed his name in the history of the Russian state.