How To Baptize A Child

How To Baptize A Child
How To Baptize A Child

Baptism is considered the moment of a person's spiritual birth. The sacrament of baptism can take place only once in a child's life, so it should be remembered: baptism is not just a beautiful ceremony.

How to baptize a child
How to baptize a child

Parents need to take the issue of baptizing their child as responsibly as possible - they must choose caring and conscientious godparents for him. These people will be responsible to God all their lives for the spiritual development and upbringing of a goddaughter or godson. Therefore, only a truly believer and baptized person can be a godfather or godmother. The child's parents cannot be his godparents, but you can invite other relatives as godparents - grandmothers, grandfathers, sisters or brothers. Before baptizing a child, you should agree in advance with the church about the date and time of the sacrament. It is good if you meet in advance and talk to the priest who will conduct the ceremony. Check with him if the sacrament of baptism can be photographed or filmed with a video camera, as different priests have different attitudes towards this issue. If you wish, you can conduct the sacrament of baptism at home - for this you need to invite a priest to your place. Decide in advance what name your child will be baptized with. Unfortunately, often the ecclesiastical and secular names of a person do not coincide. Many names that are familiar to us are absent in Orthodox saints, therefore, a child whose birth certificate says, for example, the name Ruslan, will have to be baptized under the name Rostislav. And the girl for whom the parents chose the name Inna will have to be baptized under the name of John. Do not forget to prepare in advance everything you need for the ceremony. Get a baby cross with a chain and a large new terry towel to wrap up the baby immediately after the ceremony. A small bag will also be needed, in which, after the baptism, the priest will put a small lock of the child's hair (it is cut off as a sign that the child is entering the bosom of the church). You need to take a baby blanket, documents of one of the parents and a birth certificate of the child with you. The godfather or godmother during baptism will need to read a prayer called "Symbol of Faith", so if they do not know the text of the prayer by heart, it is better to play it safe and take a piece of paper with a written prayer. Parents and god-children must wear their own crosses; women cover their heads before entering the church. The clothes of all guests attending the ordinance of baptism should be modest and befitting the solemn moment. The baptismal ceremony usually takes about 40-50 minutes, and the culmination of the process is the immersion of the child in the font. Do not be nervous and do not worry - usually priests perform all procedures rather carefully. Your peace of mind is a guarantee that the baby will feel comfortable and calm.